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TW: fighting, panic, 

When I woke up, Ranboo was gone. I bolted upright, putting on my mask and cloak. I strapped the gloves on tightly and wondered where Ranboo was. 

I decided to look for him outside so I slipped out of his room and made my way to the throne room. I knew my way around most of the castle, Dream even went out of his way to show me all the secret passageways and shortcuts. 

Reaching the throne room, I pushed the door open and scanned the wide room for Ranboo. Instead of my halfling friend, I saw Sapnap talking with Captain Puffy. Sapnap was talking with frantic hand gestures, his eyes wide and worried. Puffy looked calmer, trying to ease the younger guard and nodding at his words. 

Callahan was nowhere in sight, neither was Bad. 

George and Dream were also absent, where the bloody hell was everyone. 

"Lycoris!" Sapnap greeted, waving me over. I reached them, frowning. 

"Where is Ranboo?" I asked, looking at him. Sapnap exhaled, adjusting the white cloth on his head. He looked wearily at Puffy as if asking her to reply. I drew myself up, panic rising in my chest. "Where is he?" I asked firmly, instinctively reaching to touch my locket. 

Sapnap's eyes were trained on the fraying rug laid out across the stone floor. Puffy looked reluctant to tell me, her warm eyes nervous and sad. 

I frowned, narrowing my eyes. 

"Where is he?" I repeated firmly, meeting Puffy's eyes. Puffy exhaled.

"Ranboo seems to have gone missing Lycoris," she finally replied. I stared at her, I could practically feel the color drain from my face. 

My fingers coiled around the locket tighter as the words sunk in. 

"Where is Clay?" I demanded immediately, whirling towards Sapnap. He fiddled with a ring on his finger. 

"He's coming down, he was talking with Callahan and Bad," he replied, his eyes flickering to my face and then back to the ground. I released my locket and let out a breath. I focused on calming my breathing, trying not to run out and drag Clay's royal ass here.

"Here he comes now," Puffy piped up, looking to the door. 

Clay walked in, shaking his head at something Bad had said. He found my gaze and looked relieved from the way he relaxed. 

I darted over to him. 

His eyes were covered as well as the rest of his face because of the white mask on his face. 

"It's hard to say, I have no idea why he would've left," he was telling Bad. I resisted the urge to punch him. 

"He didn't leave you, dimwit, he was taken" I seethed, cutting in. My grey eyes were wild with rage. "He was perfectly fine last night, he was gone when I awoke" I snapped. Dream ran a gloved hand through his hair. 

"Do you have any idea where he could be or who would've taken him?" he asked. I shook my head. 

In truth, I did have one response but refused to believe it. 

For once, I wished for the voices, I wished they would tell me where he was or give me consolation. My thoughts were muddled together as panic overtook and seeped through my brain. 

I racked my thoughts, pleading to the gods for an answer. 

"Lycoris," A voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. Dream was looking at me with his hand on my arm. 

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