-Thirty Three-

573 26 16

TW: angst, character death, screaming, talk about sexual harassment

After that night, Technoblade and I have been making excuses to see each other. We didn't kiss again, but we grew closer, become more and more open with each other. It was sometimes a bit awkward, I wasn't sure whether to bring up what happened, or leave it be. 

We met often in a clearing behind the village, playing music, looking at the stars, or just enjoying each other's company. 

I knew Dream was slowly noticing my absence more and more, Ranboo was fully caught up, and he looked smugly pleased. 

Niki definitely caught on, and she pestered me for details daily. 

Currently, I was training with Dream, but both of us weren't really putting much into it. 

Schlatt was sitting, watching us. George and Sapnap were away on a short mission, and Niki was helping out in the local bakery. Ranboo was sitting beside him, watching him with unease. 

"Why didn't you tell me Schlatt was coming?" I asked, talking quietly. I knew Schlatt couldn't hear me, he was too far, and could barely hear us when we talked directly to him. Dream parried, grunting.

"I didn't know you knew him?" Dream replied, but it was an unsure and questioning tone. I narrowed my eyes at him. 

We eventually decided to call it a draw, joining Schlatt back down on the ground. I still had my sword in my hand when I reached Schlatt. 

"I'll go now," I said instantly, putting my sword back and turning towards Dream. I wanted to get away from Schlatt as fast as possible. 

"C'mon Freya-" Schlatt laughed, stepping towards me. I whirled around, sword in my hand. 

"Shut the fuck up, you and your dirty rotten self can go step the hell away from me" I spat. Schlatt raised a brow, cockily in my direction, his mouth flicking upwards. Dream just watched, looking at us. 

"That's not what you were saying when I had you pushed against a table" Schlatt retired, talking quietly. He erupted into maniacal laughter. Dream seemed to straighten at the sound of that. 

"You maniacal bastard, you held me against my own will, you sick fuck!" I yelled, "What is wrong with you? How dare you bring that up so fucking casually?!". 

"What's going on here?" A voice said. I ignored the person, focusing sorely on my rage towards Schlatt. 

"If you even dare try to come near me, I'll chop off your fingers and choke you with them" I snarled. 

"Hey let's go," the voice said, grabbing my elbow. It was Sapnap. I shot Schlatt one last glare before turning to him. "Stay away from her" Sapnap ordered him, wrapping his arm protectively around my shoulders. I heard Dream talking to Schlatt, anger radiating off of him. I tuned it out, leaning into Sapnap's touch. 

"Thank you," I mumbled. He nodded. 

That was the rest of the day, I spent up until Dinner talking with George and Sapnap about their mission. Ranboo was running his last errand for Dream and Niki was just about to close the bakery. 

I was walking down to dinner with Sapnap, when we heard a scream. Sapnap turned around, scanning the area to pinpoint the direction of the scream. 

We ran towards the dining hall, hearing voices. 

When I saw next..... I choked back a sob. 

Jschlatt had a sword in his hand and, oh gods, Ranboo. I think I was screaming. 

Dream arrived, yelling at the guards to take Schlatt to the dungeons and calling for doctors. 

"Ranboo," I cried, running to him and kneeling by his side. Tears were streaming down my face, soaking through my mask. 

Ranboo was on the floor, blood seeping through the blue carpet. 

"No no no no no" I whispered, cradling his face. 

"Freya," Ranboo managed. His voice was barely audible as he drew in a sharp breath. There were tears on his face, burning into his skin. 

"Freya, it's okay," he whispered. "I love you, I'm sorry, I'll see you again okay?" he promised. I shook my head, sobbing. He looked at me with his green and red eyes. 

"It's okay, you're with the people you love, everything will be just fine," he said, coughing. 

"Boo, I'm so sorry," I whispered. "I should have stopped him, I'm so sorry, I don't want to lose you" I cried softly. Ranboo nodded, wincing and inhaling. 

"I love you," he grinned weakly. I realized this was addressed to Dream as well, who'd come and sat next to me. 

"We love you too Ranboo" I answered shakily, nodding. Ranboo nodded once, and then slowly, his eyes closed. 

I let out another sob, holding Ranboo's hand. 

Dream pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back. I think he was crying too. 

"I'm sorry, I should have protected him" Dream whispered, his voice muffled a little I shook my head. 

"There was nothing you could have done, don't blame yourself" I replied quietly. "We'll get through this," I told him. 

'We'll do this, just for him" he nodded. I nodded back. 

"Just for him," I echoed. 

'I love you Ranboo' I thought to myself, closing my eyes against Dream's shoulder. 

We stayed like that for a long time, just the two of us, coping and passing through shock. He'd taken his mask off, and that's when I realized nobody was in the room.

Until Dream broke the silence. 

"What do you suggest we do about Schlatt?" he asked gently. I swallowed, burning with rage. 

"He deserves to die" I stated, sitting up. Dream nods. 

"Let's deal with that tomorrow okay?" he suggested weakly. I nodded. 

"What.... what do we do with uh... Ranboo's body?" I asked hesitantly. Dream's mouth closed, and he thought for a minute. 

"Let's give him a burial yeah?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you want to call everyone down, or do you want it to be just us?" he questioned. 

"We should invite everyone, it's a bit unfair if they don't get to say goodbye" I replied. he nodded. 

"Let's tell everyone, we can have the funeral tomorrow," he stated. 

A/N- Hello Hello! How has everyone been? I'm so sorry I couldn't post last week, I had a lot going on and my mental health wasn't very good at the time. I'm still not in the best state of mind, but you guys deserve a chapter so here you go! It's a sad one, I didn't actually plan for it to turn out like this, but I wanted to move the book along a little. Enjoy <3

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