-Twenty Nine-

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TW: Panic attack, 

Underlined is Callahan's writing

Niki, Sapnap, George, Bad, Callahan, Puffy, and I were all gathered in the dining hall for dinner, Ranboo was upstairs in his bedroom resting. 

I was vaguely listening to Niki and George converse about plants and animals, but I was mainly focused on Dream. I had barely touched my food, but that was normal, I disliked eating much dinner because we would train afterward. 

Callahan was observing me, I could feel him wordlessly assessing me. He was sitting beside me, still and silent as always. 

I warm hand touched my own and I jumped. I was out of it today. 

It was Callahan. I relaxed my thundering heart, taking a breath. He pushed his small notebook towards me, tilting it so only I could read it. 

What happened when you went to visit Ranboo?

I shook my head. 

"Later" I mumbled. He looked at me, one eyebrow gently raised, but nodded, slipping his notebook back into his cloak.

"Is something wrong?" Bad inquired from across from me. I shook my head. He stood up, walking over to me. Nobody seemed to notice, too engrossed in their conversations to care. 

"I'm just tired, I supposed I didn't get enough sleep," I lied. Bad looked at me unconvinced, I couldn't see his face through the cloak he wore, but by the way, he shifted a little, I could tell he was concerned. 

He very slowly reached his hand out, placing his cold hand on my own when I didn't back away. 

"You can tell us anything, we're here for you, you know that right?" Bad inquired. I nodded, unable to speak. 

"Thank you, for being there for me," I said quietly. Bad nodded.

I sharp burst of pain went through my head. I flinched, raising my hand to my temple. Bad looked at me. 

"Are you alright? he asked quickly. 

I massaged my temple, wincing as the pain worsened. 

"I-I think... I have to get-" I mumbled, pulling away. Somebody was in front of me, it was Niki. 

"Lycoris, it's okay" she soothed. I stumbled out of my chair. 

My breath quickened and I couldn't control my hands as they shook. Niki tried taking a step towards me, but I shook my head. 

Not her, not her, not her. 

"Lycoris please, calm down" Niki tried, pleading with me with her warm eyes. She tried taking another step. 

"Get back!" I shrieked. Not her, not her, not her. Hurt flashed in Niki's eyes, but it was covered by her concern. "Get back!" I shouted, half sobbing. I screamed and screamed. The voices screamed with me, their screams bleeding through my head. I couldn't focus on anything. 

Somebody was there, right next to me when my vision focused again. 

"Freya," someone said urgently. "Shhh, it's okay, I'm here," Sapnap said gently. He pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. "Everything's okay," he promised. "What happened?" he asked slowly. 

"I don't, I don't, I can't" I stammered. He shushed me, putting his hand on my head and letting me hide my face in his shoulder. 

"It's okay, it's okay" he soothed. I closed my eyes. 

I could hear the soft reassuring voice of Bad, telling Niki that I was okay and I could hear Puffy's low voice talking with Dream calmly. 

I latched tightly onto Sapnap. I don't know what had happened. 

Sapnap rubbed my back, calming me and soothing me. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened Nick," I sobbed. "The voices, I don't-" I tried, my voice breaking. I couldn't tell him, not him. 

"Here, give her to me," someone said behind me. My head snapped up at the voice. "That's right, it's okay" the voice soothed. Sapnap slowly passed me to Dream, I could tell by his gloved hands that it was him. My heart raced in my chest, my breaths were labored. 

"Clay, what's happening?" I whispered, clinging deeper into his side. Dream held me, lowered both him and myself onto the floor. "The voices, they were screaming" I mumbled, tripping over my words. I swallowed back another sob. 

"The voices are gone Freya, the voices are silent" Dream told me. "Focus, that is your fear, it's overriding your train of thought, you're letting the evil thoughts consume you," he said sternly into my ear. 

"But the voices" I started, Dream cut me off sharply. 

"The voices are gone" he snapped. "There is nobody in your head, you've gotten so used to the voices that you're looking for them" he explained. "Forget them, you're better than the voices and the only thing stopping you from that, is your own self conscious" he demanded. I nodded. 

"Forget the voices" I repeated. He nodded slowly. 

"Get up, go to bed and everything will be quiet" he murmured into my ear. He pulled me up, turning me with a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. 

"Come on Freya, it's time for you to get some much-needed rest" He ordered sternly. I sighed. 

Before anyone could say anything, Sapnap had me walking to my bedroom with him. 

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I used your real name," I eventually said. Sapnap shook his head. 

"It's alright, I liked that you used it," He replied. "I told you because I trusted you," He added. He chuckled 

"Thank you, for helping me," I said gratefully. He nodded. 

"Of course, you're like a little sister to me Ly," he told me. I squeezed his shoulder, he squeezed back. 

I went to my room, thanking him again before he left. 

When I opened my door, Ranboo was waiting on the bed. 

"Hey Boo," I greeted softly. I was lying on my bed, sleepily smiling when I entered. 

I quickly dressed into nightclothes, bringing them into the bathroom prior to my washing up, and slipped into the covers beside the halfling. 

He shuffled a little, turning to face me as I relaxed into the comfort of the bed. 

"Is everything okay?" he asked, still half asleep. 

"Everything's fine, I just had a little issue" I reassured him. Ranboo smiled, dazed. I'm sure that if he were awake, he'd be demanding answers, but the halfling needed rest. 

Rest and it will be quiet was what Dream told me. 

I closed my eyes, praying for sleep.

A/N- This is the next chapter! 

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