
891 34 16

TW: panic, angst, and arguing

There the Blood God stood. His red cape billowing behind him. 

Dream stood, smiling at him. 

Ranboo took a step back, half dazed. Callahan gave the two of us a wordless glance. 

What the bloody hell?

If the voices were still here, they would be screaming murder. 

"Technoblade, I'm so glad you could join us," Dream greeted. I gritted my teeth, my fists clenched tightly. 

Techno regarded him with a nod. 

"Dream," he greeted, his monotone voice was stone cold and devoid of emotion. His red eyes were looking around the room. 

"Well, come join us," Dream stated. Technoblade made his way over to the table. Puffy stared at him, her jaw practically touching the floor. George exchanged a look with Sanap. Bad and another guard went stiff. 

Techno sat across from Dream. 

"Technoblade, this is-" Dream started but was cut off. 

"Puffy, I'm aware, this is not our first encounter" Techno stated. Puffy gave the Blood God a small smile. 

"How are you doing?" Puffy asked. Techno gave her the first sign of emotion yet. He gave her a humorous smile. 

"I'm doing well," he replied. Dream gestured to the food. 

"Please, help yourself," he stated. The meal went on. 

I didn't move at all. Ranboo stood staring at Techno with wide wide eyes for the entire meal. Callahan gave us odd looks of concern every few minutes. 

It felt like hours when Dream finally stood. 

"Well, it's been a pleasure having you here Techno," he stated. "I hope to be seeing more of you in the near future," he remarked. Techno gave him a terse nod. He bowed to both Puffy and Dream before leaving Dream's castle. 

Dream sighed after a minute, sagging into his seat. 

"Go ahead, I know the two of you have many things to say," he called out. Everyone frowned, besides Ranboo and me. 

I felt unable to restrain myself as I strode over to Dream. Ranboo was on my trail, he did not look like his usual self. 

"You evil, foul, loathsome, vile bitch!" I seethed, glowering at Dream. Sapnap frowned. George looked ready to protest. Puffy raised a brow. 

Dream was silent as he winced. 

"You promised me" I snapped. Ranboo closed his eyes for a little, taking a deep breath. He very carefully gripped my hand. 

He was holding me back. I knew it, he knew it and Dream knew it. 

"I came here knowing and believing that I'd never have to see them again Clay," I spat. "You promised that much," I stated menacingly. Dream pressed his mouth into a thin line. 

"I know, believe me" he pleaded. "But Techno owes me and I needed a favor from him," he tried. I inhaled and gripped my dagger tightly. 

"So you invited him here and didn't think to tell me!?" I demanded. Dream looked at me with regret. 

"I knew you'd be furious at me, but I knew you wouldn't say anything until he left" he stated. "I didn't know how to tell you Ly, and with what happened yesterday I didn't want to stress you out any more than needed," he protested. 

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