-Twenty Seven-

606 31 16

TW: Manipulation, angst

Bold and italics are the voices

It had been two weeks since that night. Niki was fitting in nicely.

She had gotten more training from Sapnap and George when they were free, but Dream had me constantly running errands. 

I was currently strolling around the village, keeping to the shadows and looking for someone. For once this week, I wasn't on an errand, more of a personal feud. 

I was looking for the Blood God. 

Technically speaking, Dream had based me to get him, but he had also told me to reveal who I was to him. I was going to be doing both of those things, but tracking him down was not in Dreams' command. 

I glanced around. I spotted the familiar prince, his pink hair trailing behind him. I smiled to myself. 

He wore his mask, but that just made it more obvious. 

I started towards him. 

Blood for the blood god

That was all the voices had been chanting about. 

"Technoblade," I called out. Techno whipped around. "Hello," I greeted, smiling coyly. 

"You're one of Dream's servants aren't you?" he asked, crossing his arms. I shrugged. 

"He wants to see you," I stated. Techno sighed. I started to the castle. I heard him follow me, I smiled at my success. We reached the castle gates, the guards posted in front open them when they spotted us. 

"Come, let's go to the king," I told him. Techno was silent as we walked to the throne room. 

Before we reached the throne room, I led Techno to a corridor. 

I stopped, facing him. he looked confused. 

"This isn't the way to the throne room?" he inquired. I took a deep breath. This shouldn't faze him, we weren't even very close when I left. I told myself.

"Prince Technoblade...." I started. Techno raised a brow. "Hello," I tried nervously. I slowly took the hood of my cloak off, lowering it until he could see my head. Techno's eyes widened. I took my mask off, glancing around in case anyone walked by. 

Techno stared at me, gaping. 

"Freya," he whispered. I nodded. "What are you doing here?" he asked "Have you been here the whole time?" he asked. 

I nodded. 

"I've been here ever since I disappeared, your family is already aware, I went to visit them," I informed him, knowing what other questions he might ask. Techno looked at me with shock. 

"Why here? Helichor of all places, the enemy kingdom?" he asked. I smiled bitterly. 

"I was kidnapped, the night I disappeared, that was why there was no trace that I left," I explained to him. "The king sent three of his guards to kidnap me," I added. "When I got to the kingdom, I realized that the King was a very old friend of mine," I smile wistfully. 

"The king... is your friend?" Techno repeated. I nodded in confirmation. 

"So he offered me a home here and I have been staying with him ever since," I concluded. Techno swallowed slowly, going still. 

"Why have you decided to reveal yourself to me after all this time?" Techno asked. I shrugged. 

"I figured, since you're allying yourself or talking business with the king, I'd tell you so that you didn't hear it from anyone else," I replied. Techno nodded with understanding. "Let's go," I stated, putting my cloak and mask back on. I led him to the throne room again.

I pushed open the doors and was met with Clay and George staring at me. 

"What?" I demanded, frowning. George's gaze moved to Technoblade behind me. 

"I didn't think you'd actually manage to get him here" Dream mused from the table. I gave him a mocking smile, even though he couldn't see me under the hood. 

"You asked, I got it done," I simply stated. Techno stared at me from behind, I felt his gaze fixated on me. 

Dream let out a short chuckle. 

"Technoblade," Dream greeted, sounding unusually chipper. Techno nods once, a brief sign of greeting. I make to exit the room, planning to look for Niki. 

"Freya," Dream called out. I tensed. Clay never called me by my real name, and what would have happened if I hadn't told Techno, how had he even known?

"Yes?" I asked skeptically. 

"Please do be careful who you tell your identity too" he stated. I narrowed my eyes but nodded in response. 

I left without another word, resuming my goal of locating Niki. 

It hadn't taken long, she was in the arena with Sapnap and Bad. 

"Lycoris!" Niki greeted with a wave. She'd taken to calling me my codename, getting used to it, and understanding why it was important. I smiled, waving back.

"How has the training been going Sap?" I asked as I reached the three of them. Sapnap grinned. 

"Niki's a fast learner," he told me. Niki blushed, laughing. Bad nodded in agreement. 

"She's learned the basics and has mastered it already," he informed me. I squeezed Niki's shoulder. 

"That's wonderful Niki, I knew you'd do fantastic" I praised. She smiled nervously. "Well, don't let me distract you, I'll go check in one Puffy and Ranboo," I told them cheerfully. Bad, Niki and Sapnap waved and said their goodbyes as I made my way to the medical ward. 

Puffy greeted me when I eventually opened the doors to the medical ward. I glanced at Ranboo. I'd been in here far too many times, he'd been unresponsive for too long. 

"Lycoris," Puffy said gently. I nodded. "Ranboo's blood pressure today, it rose and his pulse quickened alarmingly fast today" she informed me. I perked up. It was news, not bad, but not good. It was news and that was progress 

"Will that affect his recovery?" I asked. Puffy looked unsure, but she nodded. 

I was about to respond when a groan stopped me. I looked down, my eyes widening. 

"Ranboo?" Puffy asked. Ranboo, dear gods, he weakly opened his eyes. I nearly sobbed in relief. 

"Ranboo," I whispered. I embraced him, hugging him for over a minute, whispering his name over and over again. 

"Freya?" he asked. I nodded. "Freya, did you stop him?" he asked urgently, forcing me to pull away. 

"What are you talking bout Boo?" I asked, my voice low as Puffy prepared a bath of medication. 

"The warnings, I sent them to you," Ranboo said. I nodded. "Did you stop him?" he repeated. 

"Stop who Ranboo? I couldn't decipher who the warnings were about, Clay denied any connections that led to him," I whispered.

"Freya, you haven't stopped him, he did this" Ranboo said gravely. 

A/N- This is a filler, but Ranboo is up and awake!!

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