-Twenty Six-

661 29 40

TW: panic, manipulation, screaming, and angst

Bold and italics are the voices

Dinner went smoothly and soon after, I found myself wielding a dagger.

Before I trained Niki, I wanted to warm up a bit and decided to spar with Dream. 

I circled him, effortlessly dodging a swing from Dream's axe. 

The whole world froze and I honed in on Dream. 

I attacked his side, managing to land a light blow on the right side of his stomach. 

"How's Ranboo?" Dream asked before striking at my shoulder. 

Deflecting the blow, I made a jab at his lower abdomen. 

"I'm not sure, he's unresponsive still" I managed, wincing as Dream nicked my arm. 

"He'll wake up, I'm sure of it," Dream declared with such finality I almost believed it. He swung at me again, the hiss of metal vibrating through my body. 

Our weapons met, but I swiftly pulled out a throwing star and flung it at him. 

He grunted when it sliced his leg. 

He advanced, switching impossibly quickly from an axe to a sword. 

Surprising me, he kicked my legs from under me, and I found his sword at my throat. 

"You've gotten better," I complimented. 

I knocked the hilt of my sword onto his wrist, throwing his sword from his hands effectively. It gave me time to launch myself back onto my feet and I pushed harder. 

I aimed for his raised arm and was met with a sword instead. How he managed to get one, I had no idea. 

"Where did that come from?" I jeered. He smirked. 

"My cloak," he chuckled. 

He was up on his two feet again. Our blades met the clanging of our blades was shrill and familiar.

I was distantly aware of Niki's soft voice in the background but I tuned every noise out, focusing on Dream and Dream only.

I parried a bow from him and ducked under his outstretched hand. 

"Give up," Dream taunted, swinging his sword. I threw my head back in laughter, bending down to deflect a low blow aimed at my legs. 

"I should be telling you that" I retorted, no real heat behind my words. Dream scoffs as I manage to land another blow. It wasn't as weak as the other one, I could've gone harder, but I had the impression that we weren't really trying our hardest. 

We go on like this for a few more minutes, half-hearted parries and jabs. 

Finally, I had Dream cornered and there were no weapons on him. He gives me a pat on the head and laughs when I let him go. 

He jumps off the platform and I followed, landing on the ground with no noise. 

Sapnap and George- who had joined us a bit late- were talking with Niki, only stopping when Dream and I reached them. Bad was sitting cross-legged on the stump of a fallen tree, Callahan on his right. 

"Freya, that was amazing!" Niki gushed.

"You should have seen their first fight," George joked. 

Dream crossed his arms, a wry smile on his face. 

"Come, it's your turn now," I turn to Niki. Her face paled. "Don't worry, we will start with the basics," I reassured quickly.

Dream handed her a sword from the many in a barrel. 

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