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They say true love only happens once in a lifetime but these days anything can easily be passed on for true love

Mere infatuation
Strong attraction
Assumed chemistry
True Affection
concern and commitments

can also be a sign of love but sometimes it doesn't even count.

love is a missing piece until it ignite with the right half, partner, it magnetic it sticks.

Emotional attachment to a certain person may not necessarily mean they are in love with you
It might seem right at the moment but doesn't mean you are right for each other


Jimi checked the time on his wristwatch again ,this is just typical Nancy she never show up to anything on time gosh not even to their god damn break up.

He signalled to the waiter for another glass of wine,he has to get his antics intact this is the second time he is doing this and this time he had to do it right.

Breaking up with a girl has never been this hard before, most times they just get tired of his snobbish attitude and walk away

sometimes they notice his attention is divided and he is now into someone else and then they take the pride in saying they're over.

But in rare situations like this one, when they act like they don't care or they don't see what is wrong with their relationship, then he just gets really nasty maybe let her catch him in bed with another girl, he had never really been the one to say it's over.

Except in special cases such as this. He has to be man enough to step up. He has been dating Nancy for over four months now and if he doesn't stop it now things would get too complicated to handle

When he raised his head to the entrance, he noticed everyone in the room seem to have diverted all their attention to the person that just walked in.

Jimi ran his hand over his head, Damn she looks gorgeous..... she flipped her hair as if trying to locate him and when their eyes met she smiled and head towards him, her body hugging black strapless dress was definitely an eye catcher.

He robbed his throat feeling really itchy.The last time he tried to break up over a fancy dinner they ended up in bed.

Nancy is a very classy lady with an adorable fashion sense, every time it just keeps getting better, when he shook his head again she was already standing in front of him so he jump up and ushered her to seat before heading back to his seat

"Sorry I kept you waiting baby "

"Oh nay I haven't been here that long, you look amazing by the way"

He smiled feeling really nervous
She must have sensed that something is wrong.

she blushed "thanks hon"

"So what would you like to have"

"Uhm..... " she picked the menu and scroll through tracing her long nail down the menu

Jimi immediately knew what she was going to order they echoed together

"Greek salad with plain dressing and no cream please"

she blushed and smacked the menu to his hand Jimi made his own order too, he has spent too much time with Nancy, knowing someone this much can be disgusting sometimes

they fell into an awkward silence that made Jimi's blood boil, Nancy doesn't talk much and now more than ever it annoys him, he drum with his fingers on the table

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