
794 31 15

TW: panic, panic attack, and angst. Please be careful and don't force yourself<3

The italics+ underlined are Callahan's writing

I forced myself to move into the shadows. I saw Dream's head turn to me instantly and looked relieved to see I wasn't there. 

Callahan frowned when I moved back, following me out of curiosity. I stood with my back on a bookshelf, checking to make sure I was out of sight before allowing myself to sit down. 

I put my head in my hands, closing my eyes and feeling my heart race. 

Wilbur, oh sweet Wilbur. Wilbur Wilbur Wilbur, I'm so sorry. 

Thoughts raced through my mind and I couldn't control my fast-paced breathing. 

I hardly notice Callahan next to me until I felt a hand on my knee. I looked up, blinking back tears. Callahan was looking at me with pursed lips and crouched so that he was level with me. 

He could most definitely notice my racing heart and my whole body shaking. 

He took out his notebook, scribbling something on a blank page. 

It was what he did. He had a notebook for every person, mine was one of the most filled since we rarely talked in public. He only carried a few with him everywhere, Bad's, Clay's, and my own. 

I looked at the notebook once he finished. 

Are you okay

I knew the familiar slant of his writing and the words he asked me every so often.

I shrugged. 

Who was that? 

"Prince Wilbur," I replied under my breath. "He lives in the kingdom of Gaminyth," I explained. He nodded, writing something underneath. 

Do you want to talk to him?

I stared at the question. Did I? 

"I don't know," I replied quietly rubbing away a stray tear that managed to slip out. 

Do you think he knows where Ranboo is?

That was the last thing he wrote, tucking his notebook safely into his cloak, looking at me expectantly. 

I rubbed my forehead, trying to come up with another reason Wilbur would show up.

"I reckon he most likely does, that is probably the reason he's here," I concluded, looking at Callahan. He nodded curtly. He moved his hand from my knee and hesitantly slipped it into my own. His hands were cold, he didn't wear gloves like Dream and I. 

I gave his hand a thankful squeeze, he gave me a small smile from behind his mask. 

He sat with me silently, we listened to the muffled conversation as best as we could, but I decided I would ask someone about it later since we could hardly hear anything. There were footsteps and I froze as they came closer. Callahan locked eyes with me and we quietly stood, readying our weapons. I pulled my hood farther down my face, slipping a dagger into my hand. 

Callahan was stiff and I realized after a good look that his antlers were nearly the same color as George's hair. I barely noticed them anymore, having grown used to them, but I took this time to marvel at them. They were very pretty, speaks of white adorning them. 

The footsteps stopped, Callahan gestured for us to move forward. We inched towards the footsteps that had been there momentarily. 

It was Wilbur. 

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