Authors Note

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I want to thank, whoever is reading this story basically. It will continue on! Sequel whoop whoop. I know most times the sequels are all like BLEHH but I promise it'll be good (:

Anyone up for making me a trailer,? Just a a question. If interested, you know, inbox me! You'll receive a dedication, and ill make you a character in my next book :3 If you happen to be that person, you would have send me the link to the trailer and we need to contact of course!

Kik: @Malik_Lover23

Btw... You can spread the word about the story! But I don't want anyone to be publishing it without my permission. You could be in trouble! Please tell me if ANYONE does and you'll be dedicated too! So.. Yeah (:

Second book soon, Share, comment,vote, BE WEIRD! NORMAL IS BORING := Hardy Har Har


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