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*******1 MONTH LATER****** 


I didn't have enough time to savour the taste of my toast with Nutella, Harry has already pushed me out the front door before I could take the first bite.  

"Come on' Boys! We'll be late to visit Louis!" Harry yells at the 3 others on the couch. 

The car ride was silent because Louis wants there to yell Kevin whenever there Was a pigeon or stop to scream at somebody on the side of the road.  

"Ms.Fields! Visiting Louis today?" I nodded and the doctor led me to his room, the boys trailing behind.  

"Hey Lou" I say taking a seat beside him.  

"Hey Jess. How's baby styles?"  

he asks poking my stomach.  

Glad to see he hasn't changed..... 

"Just dandy. How are you holding up?" I ask poking him in the chest.  


I nod,"You know it could've been worse."  

"I know."  

The boys came in behind me, looking at Louis with a weak smile on his face.  

"Hey mates."  

"Lou!!" Harry screams running up to the opposite side of the bed from where I sat.  

I felt someone wipe my cheek with their thumb, Turning to see who it was.  

"It'll be ok Jess."  

I looked at Zayn quizzically then noticed the warm tears that slowly made their way down my face.  

"Babe, what's wrong?" Harry asks now coming next to me. 

"I don't know... I guess I've missed being around Lou."  

Louis smiled at my statement, taking it as a compliment.  

"He'll be out soon. Don't worry, love."  

I hugged Harry, inhaling that famous smell that came from his shirt.  

It's been two and a half months without Louis to go to and just be Jess. Letting out my inner child (not literally).  

I'm glad Arron was the one who was shot. I'm glad he won't be waking for a long time. I'm glad that Perrie pulled the trigger.  


Ive forgotten all about her. 

"ZAYN." I said quickly.  

"Yeah?" He asks looking over at me from where he left off to after Harry took over his moment of hospitality.  

"Perrie said-"  

"Perrie?" ZAYN replied. 

I nodded. 

"That's who was at the door that day? No wonder she looked familiar!" Harry piped. 

"Perrie said goodbye. She said not to contact her in any way. That it's dangerous."  

"Dangerous? Why?" ZAYN seemed to not understand me, but he had to know everything.  

And now the part that would probably get to him the most.  


He looked up at me once again, concentrating on what I'm about to say next.  

All the boys eyes fixed onto me as I continued.  

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