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I stayed speechless. Trying to force something out my mouth but nothing escaped  

but the breath I was still holding in. 

Louis opened his eyes, looking over his shoulder at me. 

"What?" He asked, his voice braking at the 'at' . 

"Perrie's gone." I whisper trying to force back tears that threatened to return. 

"Who is this person and what do they want from us Lou?" I asked suddenly angered  

at the thought of something bad happening to Perrie or Paul. 

"I don't know love, just try to get some rest." He cooed.  

I leaned closer to him, careful not to hurt him. I rested my head on his  

shoulder, his head on top of mine. 

"I can't rest. He's coming back for us one by one Lou. I could be next for all  

we know." I spat trying not to be loud enough for anyone around to hear.  

Oh wait, nobody else woke up. 

As soon as I thought it, three heads shot up and looked around the room.  

"What the?- Lou? Jess? Harry?" ZAYN said frantically. 

"Shh... Yes it's us. But you cant be loud."  

Niall rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision . 

"Where are we?" He asked looking straight at me. 

"I don't know, last thing I remember was getting in the van with you guys after  

the party." I stated hating myself for not knowing anything else.  

Liam's eyes widened, searching for Danielle.  

"Where's dani?" Liam whispered. 

"Where's Perrie?" ZAYN cried. 

"Where's Paul?" Niall added. 

"Dani's over there by el and um.. Perrie and Paul, um they... Well you see..." I  

struggled to finish the sentence. They could be anywhere, just no where in  


Liam ran over towards dani and Eleanor, still knocked out. Both of their shirts  

unbuttoned as well.  

What in the actual heck was going on? 

"Jess..." ZAYN replies. He looked like he was about to start crying, but  

fighting back the tears hoping it wasn't what he was thinking.  

"Perrie and Paul were dragged out the room. We don't know where they went but  

he's coming back because I KNOW he's not done yet." Harry said from the same  

space he's been in almost the entire time." We can't worry about that right now.  

We have to find a way out, and hopefully get help."  

"But...but.. Perrie.." ZAYN protested. Oh God I know he's gonna start crying any  

moment now. 

"ZAYN." Harry growled getting up." We need to go before we end up with them."  

ZAYN nodded and clenched his teeth, trying to forgot about everything and be  


"Jess, what happened?" ZAYN and Niall both asked in shock staring at my stab  

wound. Seriously guys? Is this the time to be asking about a stab wound? 

"I don't know." I stated once again.  

The pain hit me, this time knocking me out cold. 


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