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I woke up in the living room, on the couch with Perrie in a love seat across from me.

I was ready to interrogate the hell out of her.

"Your up. I better get Arron." She says pushing herself up and off the couch.

"Wait." I croak.

She stops to think about this for a while.

"You have five minutes."

I nodded.

"Your pregnant?" I ask first to clear things up.


"Is it Zayn's?"

"No." She's gotta start speaking in sentences I swear.


She nodded.

Why is she on their side? Why didn't she come home, or at least attempt to find us?

"I'm his girlfriend." She mumbled.

This Is making no sense at all.

"I thought you loved Zayn. Why didn't you come back?"

I knew she still loved ZAYN. That's why she cringed at my words.

"I did. But I can't now. I have to be Arron's girlfriend. I had to have sex with him. I Have to love him. But the baby was never planned."

" Why didn't you leave Perrie? You have a career. People would be looking for you. Do you know how worried ZAYN was when I told him we couldn't find you?"

I saw a tear slowly fall down her cheek before she quickly wiped it Away.

"It's not that simple Jess. I don't understand why you and the boys haven't fled from the country yet." She sniffled.

"We didn't leave because our families are here and We needed to figure out where you and Paul went."

We were both silent. I noticed how late in day it was, the sun setting.

"Why am I here Perrie? What could they possibly want from me?!" I screamed at her enraged at the fact that I'm being chased in circles with no explanation. It's a cycle that I just don't understand.

I hadn't realized she'd been talking.

"What?" I said rather than thought.

"- I'm sorry Jess." Those words gave me a headache.

You're never really sorry. You just say your sorry to convince yourself. Paul was sorry for something that wasn't his fault.

"I'm sorry too Perrie." Was all I could say.

She slowly got off the couch, her light footsteps going over to the door. She turned her head slightly before leaving.

I heard her say something to Arron.

"She's up."



"Mate we can't do anything about it." Louis screamed from the kitchen. Niall was In his room crying and ZAYN and Liam were beside me trying to comfort me.

I just got her back, now she's gone again.

I held her bracelet close, the last thing left of hers from today.

I leaned my head against ZAYN, holding back tears that threatened to spill again.

How could they find us so easily?

We haven't heard from them in weeks, now Jess is gone.

Why haven't they called?

I picked myself up off the couch and into the room to clear my head of today and just Sleep.


Sorry if you got a little bored . :3 Ladies and gentlemen, the true side of Perrie Edwards. (:


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