
374 14 10

2 Hours Later

I woke up again, this time light pierced through the old, faded curtains that hung on the only large window in the room.

I had a terrible headache and I couldn't feel my legs.

"Jess?" A voice called.

I turned, looking around in every direction trying to find the source of the voice.

"Yes.." I managed to say, still unaware of whom was calling me.

"It's's me.. Harry." I let out a sigh of relief and finally didn't feel alone.

"Where are you?" I asked confused. He sounded so close.

"Check beside you."

I looked over to my left and saw Harry holding himself up to the wall. He looked weak, really weak.

"W-what happened?" I stuttered.

"I don't know, but something bad happened."

I tried moving to face him but I felt a sharp pain in my stomach when I did.

I winced in pain and Harry immediately looked over at me.

"You ok love?" He asked concerned.

I looked down at where the pain was coming from and saw blood all over my clothes.

Was it mine?

I looked down further and saw a deep cut near my rib cage.

Oh snap.

"Harry, I'm bleeding. I think I got stabbed."

Harry's eyes widened as he came up next to me.

I now noticed his curls were lifeless, his face was pale and he had cuts and bruises all over him.

I once again observed the room carefully, the place coming up as unrecognizable.

"Harry, where are we?" I whispered as he began to come even closer.

"I dunno...what happened last night?"

I remember a party and all out friends were there. The last thing I remember was being escorted along with the boys to the van by Paul.

"Harry... where are the boys and Paul?!"

"Shhh.... Don't be loud. We’ll find out. I promise." He said stroking my hair.

We heard the lock to the door of where we are, what I assumed is a basement, click.

Harry quickly went back down and told me to pretend not to be awake.

I felt my chest rise and fall as a tall figure walked around the room, heavy boots meeting the concrete floor.

He grabbed someone who was sprawled on the ground across from us and left.

"Harry." I said horrified.

"Yes.." Harry replied still lying down just in case the person came back.

"Who was he dragging?"

I heard Harry take a long, deep breath, unable to say the word.



Dedicated to @LemonBabies Because they are taking THEIR time to edit this story for me! Than you so much cx 

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Stay Gold (Who knows this qoute?) , Jenn xx

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