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*******6 MONTHS LATER *****{JESS' POV}

I enjoyed being at a table surrounded by my friends. I don't consider them friends though. I consider them family. We laugh together and we surely do get mad at each other. But that's what families do. I can't say I don't love each and every person who sits around me... Because I would lying.

Afterwards, I sat talking with el and Dani in the living room.

"Babe, wanna go for a walk?" Harry asks walking in.

I nodded and waved to the girls," Bye!"

The girls smirked and ran back out into the kitchen to be with their boyfriends.

"Ready?" Harry asks grabbing my hand.

I giggled as he pulled me out, towards the park across the street from the house we've just bought.

after I couldn't walk longer, Harry sat on the swing and pat his lap, gesturing for me to sit on it.

"You sure? There's a baby in me." I say pointing at my cantaloupe sized stomach.

"I'm sure." He says chuckling and I sit down, his arms wrapping around my waste and onto my stomach.

I heard my favorite song, a thousand years start to play.

I closed my eyes, resting my head In the crook of Harry's neck.

"Jess." Harry whispers once the song ends and fall for you by secondhand serenade starts up.

"Mhm." I reply in a hushed tone.

He didn't answer so I flutter my eyes open.

A box.

Before I could question he began speaking.

"Jessica Anne Fields, I love you. I can't imagine being without you. Losing you in the past made me realize your like water and food to me. I need you to live, to survive. The sound of your voice gives me a reason to wake up every morning and I don't think I can wait any longer to claim you as my own."

He opened the box, a beautiful ring with radiant diamonds exposed.

"Will you Marry Me?"

I nodded," Yes."

A huge some grew on his face.

He slipped the ring onto my finger. I stared at the beautiful engagement ring and up at Harry.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Jess." Harry replies pulling me into a passionate kiss.

We heard whistling and screaming from above, looking up to find our friends staring down at us.

Harry chuckled and I held my hand up to show the girls my ring.

We get off the swing, and as soon as I stand, the first contraction comes.



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