To be a dad

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I was sitting in the Sanctum with Wong reading a book with a cup of tea like usual when a frantic knock came from the door. Wong and I look up at each other before I get up and walk to the door. Wong stays there but puts his book down. When I open the door I see a woman no older than 40 holding a baby and looking around her frantically. When he notices me I see the fear and the tears in her eyes as she looks at the baby and then back at me. "Please you have to take him! They're going to kill us if you don't, and I want him to live a full life!" She says and is now crying as she looks at me. "Ma'am I can't just take this baby. Who is trying to kill you?" She looks around her and I see two men in all black run around the corner and in our direction. "Please take Peter from me so he can live! My name is on the paperwork but please sir, let him live!" She pleads with me and I finally give in. "Alright but I can help you if you need just come inside." She shakes her head and hands me the baby and some paperwork before running off again. I lose sight of her quickly and shut the door before the men run past. I look at the small baby boy and hold him close to my chest as I open up the folded paperwork the woman gave me. It's adoption sheets and I glance at her name. "May Parker." I put the pages in my pocket and change the way I'm holding Peter in my arms. When I walk over to where Wong is he looks at Peter confused. "Stephen why do you have a baby?" He asks and I pull out the paperwork and hand it to Wong for him to read. Peter's little hands start reaching for something so I give him one of my fingers and he grabs it. "So are you going to adopt the baby Stephen?" Wong's asks me as he sets the paperwork on the table. "Ya. As a way to give this kid a good life I will." Wong's nods and walks down one of the hallways before returning with some baby clothes. "Some of the others sorcerers have families, so they left this stuff for anyone else who needs it." Wong says and I nod before taking it from Wong and laying Peter down on the couch as I change him into the set of PJ's that Wong brought out for him. He fusses a bit but stops when I hold him again. I hold him with one arm as I sign all of the paperwork and then put it in my pocket before laying down on the couch with Peter in my arms. The cloak must have noticed because it lays on top of us both. I rub Peter's back before falling asleep with him in my arms.

The next morning

I wake up and find Peter still asleep so I sit up slowly and rest my head against the back of the couch as I wait for him to wake up. When he does I go back to the room Wong went into last night and find some baby food. The advantage of this place is that all old food disappears and gets replaced with new food if necessary. I grab some and a high chair to bring with me. I let the cloak get the high chair and I carry the baby food and Peter out to the kitchen. I set him in the high chair and begin to feed him.

After breakfast

I wipe off his mouth and pick him up again so I can change him and burp him if I need to. I have a cloth over my shoulder where his head is but he only burps thank god. I take him back to the room and change him before getting ready myself. I decide to just go casual so I set Peter on my bed with the cloak around him as I get changed. When I finish I go to find a baby stroller in that room with all of the extra stuff. The cloak picks Peter up and wraps around him tightly as it follows me. When I get the stroller the cloak sets Peter in it and lays over him. I strap Peter in and grab a small dipper bag and fill it before grabbing the paperwork and leaving the Sanctum. I know Wong is there but I cast a protection spell before I go just to be safe. I push Peter down town and his face is priceless. It's full of wonder and awww. I stop at a store with a bunch of baby supplies and head towards the isle that has a bunch of different comfort items. I push him down the isle slowly but stop when he starts reaching for a small Iron man plush. I hand it to him and he hugs it tightly. We keep down this isle until he sees a spider plush and reaches out of that as well. I grab it and hand it to him as well. By now we're at the end of the isle so I go to find a section with blankets in it and find it near the back of the store. I look around there and Peter reaches for one with science on it so we get that as well and head up to the front of the store to pay. I hand the items to the lady at the counter to check out and then she hands them back after scanning them so Peter doesn't start crying. I pa and we leave to go down to town hall to discuss what to do with Peter now that I signed the paperwork and May's signature was already on there.

After the meeting

I just have to wait for the paperwork to be put on file but now Peter is officially my son. We make our way back to the Sanctum and I remove the protection spell once we get there. I open the door and find Wong in the kitchen with Thor. Thor turns to me and and gets ready to speak loudly like he usually does but stops when he sees Peter. When he speaks his voice is at a normal level and he asks "When did you get a child Wizard?" I roll my eyes at him calling me a wizard "I got him last night and I went to see if I could adopt him today. I just have to wait for the paper to be filed and then he's officially mine." I pick Peter up out of his stroller and the cloak goes to rest on my shoulders. Peter looks at me a giggles and I can't help but smile at how cute he is. I grab his plushies and his blanket before walking over to the couch to sit with him. Thor and Wong walk over and we all play with Peter for a bit until he yawns. He crawls into my lap and snuggles his head into my shirt. I carefully pick him up and place his blanket around him as I grab his plushies and change the way he's laying. Peter is well behaved for a baby but that could also be due to the fact that he's going to be 1 soon and is learning things like behavior. I see Thor pull out his phone and take a picture. "I'm sending this to Loki. He's going to upset he missed getting to meet the child." He says and I nod while rubbing Peter's back.

4 years later

"Dad it's time to get up. Have school today." I hear when I wake up. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and notice Peter standing there with a striped shirt and a pair of blue jeans on. His shoes are already tied and I get out of bed and pick him up. "Alright kiddo, just give me a moment to wake up and get changed. He nods and hugs me before I set him down and he runs out of my room. I shut the door and then find a plain white tee shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. I walk out of my room and go down to the kitchen to find Peter wait there. I get him out a bowl and put some cereal in it and hand it to him while I get myself a bowl of fruit. I make us both smoothies and we set those on the counter while we go brush our teeth after eating. I finish and put the bowls in the dishwasher and slip on my shoes and jacket as I wait. Peter comes running out and I hand him his cup with the smoothie in it and open the door. We walk outside and I lock the door and cast a protection spell over the place before we start our walk to the school. When we get there I kneel down and give Peter a hug and kiss the top of his head before letting him walk inside. "Have a good day kiddo." "I will dad. I love you." Peter says and I pat him on the head. "I love you too kiddo. Now go inside and find your class. I'll see you after school." He walks off with a smile on his face and waves at me. I wave back until he's in the school and then turn and and walk back to the Sanctum.

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