You Wouldnt Understand

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Jazzmyne POV.

I woke up a little bit earlier today because I wanted to talk to my dad. I got up and took my shower and did my hair. I wet it so it would be curly and put it all into a high ponytail. It reached to the bottom of my neck. I put on a dark blue pencil skirt and a white and black, stripe, loose shirt. I put on a dark blue blazer over it and I put on a pair of dark blue flats. The skirt stopped around my mid thigh so I made sure my legs were lotioned up pretty good. I put on a pair a dark blue ear cuffs and a dark blue ring.

I grabbed my purse, my phone, and my keys and made my way downstairs. I saw my dad at the table and I sat down in front of him, grabbing an apple juice out of the refridgerator.

"Hey daddy."

"Hey sweetheart, why you up so early?" he asked.

"I wanted to talk to you."


"Daddy, are you truly sorry about what you did?"

"Yes I am. I never wanted to hurt your mother. What I did was completely wrong and I never should have jeopardized our family like that."

"Daddy, I've already forgiven you about it. I just hope that you and mom can work things out."

"We're starting counseling this afternoon." he said.

"I hope things work out." I said, standing up and hugging him. "Daddy I love you, no matter what."

"I love you too sweetheart. Now go ahead to school. I'm leaving right behind you."

"Where's mom?"

"She left to go see about her building. They're doing the colors today. She wants you to come by because she has a surprise for you." he said.

"Okay. I'll go and see after school."

"Alright. I'll see you later sweetheart."

I got a bottle of VOSS water out of the refridgerator and I walked out. I drove the Audi and picked up Kay on the way. She was talking about how her and Ray got into another argument last night about some girl he was out with. They loved each other but they fought a lot. I pulled up to the school and Ray came to the car and grabbed her, pulling her to their lockers. I walked in and I was walking to my locker and I passed Chresanto's locker and noticed he was hugging Chrissy. I jus kept moving. I wasnt going to make a big deal out of it. I got to my locker and grabbed my books and made my way to class. I sat in my regular seat and I saw Chresanto walk in. He sat down beside me and kissed my cheek. I had no emotion on my face at all.

"What's up?" he said.

"Nothing. Just a little annoyed."

"By who?"

"It's not important."

I was getting more and more annoyed about the whole thing. If he was trying to get rid of Chrissy, why was he hugging her like that?

Class was a long drag and I didnt feel like being there. I kept debating on wether I should leave or not. I decided to stay because I'd already left too many times. When the bell rung, I got my stuff and left. I went straight to my 2nd class and sat down. I saw Chrissy and she smirked, then I got a text on my phone.

Chresanto's the hit it and quit it type of guy. He already hit, so now he's about to quit. No need in trying to make him stay. He's already crawling back to me. -Chrissy

I'm not usually the type to believe something like this but it's all adding up. Santo walked in and sat down beside me. I saw Kaylie walk in so I got up and sat at the table with her. Santo just sat there clueless.

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