Quirk Problems

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We start walking to her, I just can't wait to see her again. "Pikachu??" I heard someone say from a distance.

"Deisha!" I said, running up to her to give her a hug.

When I gave her a hug my finger sparked, giving her a little shock, my head began spinning, I don't know what's happening.

"Pikachu? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Dei asked me.

She let go of me as a golden swirl of electricity started floating around me.

"T-that looks like my quirk!" Dei told me.

A flash of white light shimmered from the gold, my feet lifting off the floor. I don't know what's happening but whatever it is I don't like it.

"K-Kami!?" Shinso blurted out.

"I'll keep an eye on him, you go get Aizawa sensei!!" Dei told Toshi.

He ran to him as fast as he could, as my eyes went completely white. "Stay with me Pika!"

I fell to the floor quickly, still sparks everywhere and a blue flash filling the room.

Aizawa sensei and Toshi are arriving to me now. Will they even know what to do? What if they can't fix me?

My sight went completely shut out. Am I dead?

"Recovery girl!! I don't know what's going on! You need to help us!" Aizawa said, leaving Toshi and Dei in the hall.

My eye color returned to normal and I could see again.

"It seems he has gained a few new quirks. Introcataselectricity, which is what Deisha has, Shinso's brainwash quirk and this other weird one I've never seen before, I don't know what it is." Recovery girl told us.

"I told you that you'd have side effects kid. You are stealing quirks, I don't know how to give them back to the people yet." Shantonaro said, walking into the room.

"Who are you!?" Aizawa panicked.

"My name is Shantonaro, I've been helping young Kaminari here."

"So how are we going to fix this?" Recovery girl asked herself.

I'm still sitting here, I can't believe I stole their quirks. I need to give them back! So is the unknown quirk Shatonaro's or the one that steals them? What is happening!?

"Don't worry kid we will figure this out, I think the unknown quirk is a mixture of stealing quirks and my own. I may not be able to read your mind anymore, but I can definitely read your facial expressions." Shantonaro said, calming me down.

"So are Dei, Toshi, and Naro quirkless until I can find a way to give their quirks back?" I asked.

"Naro?" Shantonaro asked.

"Yeah, it's a nickname!" I told him.

This put a small smile on his face as Aizawa said, "I think to steal a quirk he has to touch that person. So what if we gave him gloves so he can come back to class until we figure this out?"

"Sounds good to me." Recovery girl stated.

"How are we gonna tell Dei and Toshi that they are going to be quirkless for the time being?" asked Aizawa.

I then stood up, and opened the door and said, "Like this, Toshi and Dei I am so super sorry but I accidentally stole your quirks and you'll be quirkless for the time being until we can find out how to give them back."
"That's alright Pikachu, I understand." Dei told me.

Sensei stood there in amazement as he asked, "How are you kids so calm about this?"

"We know Denki, he would never try to harm us in any way, and if it's true we already know he's going to do all he can to give them back." Toshi and Dei said in unison.

I gave them both a hug as they both smiled slightly.

"I guess that's true." Sensei stated, shrugging his shoulders.
Thanks for reading part 23! Hope you enjoy, I luv you all!

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