The Hospital

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"I-is he okay though?" Shinso asked, rushing.

"W-we don't even know how bad it is." Kiri told them.

Aizawa opened the door and walked in to see what was going on, closing the door behind him. He saw me in the bed, bruises and cuts all over, struggling to breath.

"What the-"

"Pro hero eraserhead! Did someone ask you to come help? I know it's bad, but with your help we may be able to heal him." the doctor told him.

"Y-yeah. I'm going to update them on his condition though, they need to know."

He walked out with a small tear dropping down his face. No one had ever seen him cry before.

"D-Dad? How is he?" Shinso questioned also with tears forming.

"H-his condition is really bad, h-he has giant bruises, and some pretty deep cuts all over his chest and legs."

"I-I'll infirm his parents." Shinso told them with tears streaming down his face.

He walked over to the phone, looking at his fathers contacts. He found Denki's parents' number and phoned them.

They finally picked up, as Shinso said, "Is this Mr. and Mrs. Kaminari?"

"Yes, and you're a boy, how do you know him?" they asked, a little angry.

"H-he's in my class, when going to his friend Mina's house, he collapsed. He is now in the hospital, his condition horrible."

"We are on our way."

As they got there, they saw the group crying, even Pro Hero Eraserhead as he walked back in the door to assist the doctors.

They hid quickly, putting on red makeup and eye drops, to make it look as if they cried so they wouldn't go to jail.

As they walked back over to them his mom quickly asked, "H-How is he? How is my son? Is he okay? What happened to my son!?"

"Do you know of anyone who has a grudge against him? He seems to have been beaten up many times." The doctor asked them hesitantly.

"N-no, I don't." She responded quickly.

"He's awake!" Aizawa sensei rushed out relieved.

Everyone rushed in, his parents stayed out, to stop him from shaking, which would give them away. This gave them the worried look they would want for if they actually thought of him as a son.

"Aren't you coming in too?" Aizawa sensei asked them.

"N-no, we can't bear seeing him like this."

"G-guys?" I asked softly.

"Who hurt you! Why d-didn't you tell us?" Kiri questioned, crying super hard.

"C-can I talk to kiri alone?"

Everyone else left the room, leaving Kiri speechless.

"A-are my parents here?"

"Yeah, why?"

This made Denki shake as he told Kiri, "I-it was them, they w-were the ones who hurt me b-because I'm a gay d-disappointment."

Kiri went in for a hug, crying even harder, "I'll never let them hurt you again."

He walked out as the doctors walked back in.

"I know who hurt him."

"W-who hurt him!?!?" Shinso and Mina asked both crying.

"His parents... He said they hit him because h-he's a g-gay d-disa-disappointment..."

The room was silent. Everyone flared at his parents, all with many tears and some look like they are going to kill them.

"So what! It's true! He's gay! It's disgusting, and we needed to knock sense into him!" his mom told them angrily.

Aizawa sensei wrapped them both in his scarf as he said, "I'm taking these two to jail, I'll be back."

They all went back in, Shinso blushing a little because they said he was gay, but it just looks like the red from crying.

"Would you like to come live with me and my family bro?" Kiri asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"Th-that would be nice."
Sorry y'all's, I got rid of the problem though! Hopefully you all aren't too emotional! Love you all, hope you enjoyed it!

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