My Parents

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"ShinKami? How did you come up with that?" Sero asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds better that Hitenki, so I went with this."

"Should we like, make a plan to hangout then the three of us bail or something?" Kiri asked them.

"I mean I guess. This is going to be a lot harder to do than that though." Mina told them with a sad look on her face.

The next morning I woke up in my bed, I'm going home today since it's Saturday. Everyone is walking out looking so happy, so I better mimic what they are doing so I'm not suspicious.

I put on my fake smile as Shinso walked up to me and said, "Excited to go home?"

"Y-yeah! Super excited!" I said with a happy tone.

"You sure? You don't look like it? The smile looks fake." Shinso added.

"Why wouldn't I be happy? I get to see my parents!" I told him.

"I guess, see you later Kaminari."

I caught up to the bus which took me to my neighborhood. I could feel my heart dropping, I'm now shaking as I walk in my house.

Dad walked up to me looking mad, I'm now trying my hardest not to cry as he punches me right in the stomach.

"I-I'm sorry, I can go to K-Kiri's house." I told my parents.

"No! He's a boy! You can only go to a girls house, or your room." Mom yelled.

"O-Okay, I-I'll start g-going to Mina's house. S-She's a girl." I told her, scared half to death.

"Fine, leave then." Dad said kicking my leg as hard as he could.

I walked out the door limping as a tear dropped from my face, I walked to Mina's house and wiped my tears.

"Kami? What are you doing here?" Mina asked hesitantly.

"I decided to come see you! Isn't it obvious?"

"Are you limping?"

"N-no! Why would I be?" I said with a small fake laugh.

"Kami, what's wrong?" Mina asked, concerned, dropping her smile.

"I-I" I collapsed in her arms, completely unconscious.

"Kiri!! Sero!! Mom! Dad! Come help!" Mina cried out.

They all came cunning out of her house, Kiri started to cry as he saw me.

"W-What happened!?" Kiri questioned.

"I don't know! H-he just c-collapsed. He was limping as he came over here!" She responded, her voice quivering.

Mina's parents picked him up, taking him to the car so they could drive him to the hospital. As they all got there, Kiri walked to the front seat so he could inform Aizawa sensei about what had happened.

"We need help! We don't know what happened! He just collapsed!" Mina and Sero cried out.

Some doctors came over and took me to a room to check my vitals to see what had happened, and as they were checking they found the bruises and cuts all over my chest and legs.

"I-I hate to be the one to t-tell you this, but your friend has been being beaten up for a-a long time." the doctor told them all.

Aizawa and Shinso rush through the hospital doors, seeing the group as an absolute mess.

"What's going on? Did you get the reason?" Aizawa asked, concerned for the group.

"H-he's been being b-beaten u-up f-for a lo-long time now, and h-he never t-told us an-anything." Mina said, now shaking in fear.
I don't know why I did this to him, but too late now. Hope you guys enjoyed this, even though you might've cried.

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