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I wiped my tears as Aizawa sensei came in and asked, "Is this Deisha?"

I nodded my head, breaking the hug.

"Alright, she can sit in the empty seat behind Shinso's."

We all sat down, waiting for instructions.

"Today we are going to redo one piece of the Quirk Apprehension test, we will just throw the baseball with our quirks." Aizawa sensei told everyone.

Everyone went, the only 3 of us left were me, Kiri, and Dei.

"Kirishima you're up." Aizawa sensei told him.

He walked up with the baseball and hardened just as he threw it to give it more force.

"892.6" Aizawa Sensei read. That's higher than Bakugo!"

It was now my turn, I have practiced as much as I could, but I'm still not confident. I threw the ball, last second using my quirk to make the ball bolt far.

"924.9" He read. I was so surprised! I passed Kiri and Bakugo!

Dei walked up, she didn't look too confident either. I don't think she's used her quirk since she was little, I don't even remember what it is.

Her finger started sparking, it was a very pretty golden color, different from mine. She threw the ball and in mid air, sparked it just slightly making it go up further and out.

I could barely tell what just happened, but that's not new for me.

I blink once and I miss it, this is just my luck.

"1462.7" Aizawa sensei read.

Everyone was in shock, How did she even do that?"

Suddenly a breeze started picking up, but I felt something was off.

Dei looked at me, we both nodded and ran towards the wind. I didn't even realize how fast she was or how fast I've been getting until now.

When we finally stopped, we noticed a giant purple portal, looking exactly like that villain who attacked us at USJ.

We couldn't do anything, we shouldn't have run here in the first place! I signaled Dei as we both ran around it, we can't risk going back, just have to hope not to be seen.

I saw a giant burst of lightning shoot down from the sky, hitting the villain in just the right spot. The big cloud of purple just disappeared, though the villain was nowhere to be found, it looks as it was just a portal.

"Dei? Where'd you go?" I asked looking around.

She was nowhere to be found! Did she get kidnapped!?

"Dei!?" I screamed.

I ran back to the class as fast as I could. I finally arrived out of breath.

"Denks!? Are you alright!? Why are you crying! Where is Deisha?" Toshi asked panicking.

"I-I don't know! I can't find Deisha! There was a villain, I saw lightning coming from the sky hitting the villain, but it didn't look like either of ours. The villain disappeared and so did Deisha!" I cried out.

"What did the villain look like Kami!?" Kiri asked, also panicked.

"The one with the portals from the USJ attack!"

"Go back to your dorms in pairs, stick by someone no matter what! I'm going to inform the teachers." Aizawa told us, running off.

Toshi grabbed my arm and ran as fast as he could, others doing the same. Toshi and I arrived at his dorm, walking in, and locking the door behind us.

I ran over to the window and locked that, then closed the blinds and hugged Toshi. I didn't even notice that I was still crying as Toshi said, "It's going to be alright, they are going to get Deisha back for you."

"Thanks Toshi." I told him burying my head in his chest.
Hope you enjoyed chapter 11! Love you all and hope you have a good day! I appreciate all your love and support!

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