Hospital Break

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I seem to be in the hospital a lot, but definitely not as much as Midoriya. There is no going to the hospital more than Midobro.

I don't know how he does this every day, there is nothing to do! Half the time I'm asleep and playing games with Shantonaro, and the other half people are visiting me.

I'm supposed to be here for two weeks, and I'm not allowed to leave. It hasn't even been 4 hours yet and I feel like I've done everything I can possibly do.

"Hay Kaminari!" Midibro said walking in with broken fingers and legs.

"What did you do this time?" I asked.

"We were training, and I decided to use my legs since I'm not allowed to use my arms until I get stronger." He told me.

"This is not how you do things! Midobro, stop hurting yourself and gradually use more and more of your quirk slowly!"

"But if I go straight for it I will learn faster."

"Going straight for it will get you and recovery girl killed, you are both overusing your quirks way too much because of your actions Midobro!"

"Oh well, I'll just keep doing as I'm doing. See ya later kami!"

"He's right, you know!" Recovery girl pitched in.

Midoriya then looked back once and quickly ran. Just a regular day in the hospital I guess..

I don't understand why I can't leave but midoriya comes and goes freely... probably because recovery girl is sick of him.

Maybe if I make her sick of me she will get rid of me too!

"I don't think that's a good idea kid." Shantonaro told me.

Fine, I guess I won't. Is there like... something you can do to make time go faster or something though?

"Sorry kid, that's beyond my abilities." He told me.

"Unless..." he whispered silently.

So there is something you can do!! What is it!?

"No kid, it's too risky, I can't make this big of a risk."

Well you could at least tell me?

"If I were to transfer your spirit to my world you could do whatever you wanted and hear what people say to you as well as telling your body what to say and do, but.."

I'll do that then! Nobody would miss me because I'll still be here and I can have fun!

"The thing is I never tested this out before on other people, so there could be side effects."

I'll do it! I need to get out of here no matter the cost!

"If you say so.."

He transferred me to the other world and I felt great! This was such a great idea and I don't feel any side effects. Dei and Toshi visited a lot. I got to do so many cool things in this world.

"I'm taking you back now." Shantonaro told me.

I was so excited to come back! I can't wait to see my friends again!

I'm back in my world! Finally! Now to find Toshi and Deisha!

"Not yet, I need to see if the side effects are going to come or not." Said Shantonaro.

I don't feel any different really, can I just leave?

"Fine, you can leave."

I rushed out of the room and spotted Toshi immediately. Jumping onto his back I said, "Did ya miss me?"

He put me down and kissed my forehead then replied, "I missed you so much! But we need to find your sister now, she'll be so excited to see you."

"I'm excited to see her too!" I said with a great big smile on my face.
That's the end of part 22, thanks for reading. Sorry about how long it's been since I've published, I'm hoping to start up again.

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