ShinKami Revealed

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I got out of the bed, and walked toward Kiri to give him a hug as he said, "You should probably rest."

"I don't think I need to rest, I've been resting for about a day and a half." I told him.

"We should probably tell you something though, and you might want to sit down for this." Toshi told me.

I sat back down on the bed, Toshi grabbing my hand.

Kiri then stated, "Your parents are out of jail, they are looking for you and they are the ones who have Deisha."

I felt like my heart stopped. I grabbed my chest, my head rushing. I was breathing heavily, I couldn't let them take her away!

"Just breath kid, in, then out." Shantonaro told me, calmly.

I started to breath steadily, while Shinso and Kiri were still panicking. They both look like they had a mini heart attack, even though I'm the one who was panicking.

They stopped panicking, so I got up and told them, "I'm going to get something to eat if you'd like to join."

I walked out the door and to the cafe, I felt like I haven't eaten in weeks. Kiri headed back to his dorm, but Toshi joined me to get food.

I couldn't stop thinking about Deisha the whole time, or the kiss. I had a both flustered and worried face on the whole time.

"You're cute when you're flustered." Toshi told me.

I immediately turned red, hiding my face in my hands, I can't believe he said that. When I finally got a hold of myself and looked at him again.

Then Deisha came straight back to my mind. I need to find her.

"She'll be okay." Toshi told me while putting his arm around me.

I buried my head in his chest, I never felt this way before. My parents are the ones who took Deisha, and considering what they did to me, I can imagine what they would do to her.

"Yo, chill Kaminari." Shantonaro almost screamed.

This made my ears hurt, quickly grabbing them.

"Are you okay Denks!?" Shinso asked, worrisome.

"Yeah, sorry Toshi."

"There is no need to apologize, nothing was your fault."

We finished our food and went to my dorm. I lied in my bed, drowsy. I fell asleep there, it was peaceful.

"You really thought I'd give you a break?" Shantonaro asked.

"No, but now we can train I guess." I replied.

We trained for about 8 hours until I heard Toshi's voice.

"Denks, you should probably wake up now."

I woke up in Toshi's arms as I asked, "What time is it?"


I got out of bed, panicked. School starts in 14 minutes! Rushing to get ready, I heard Toshi also trying to rush to get ready.

We walked out the door by 8:37, we had 3 minutes to get there. We were basically running to get to class, and opened the door with 1 minute to spare.

Iida rushed to us as he kept saying, "You are almost late! Get yourselves up earlier and get here early."

Mina the chimes in as she pointed out, "But they looked so cute together! I have pictures of Shinso holding Denki in his arms, both of them sleeping so cute!"

My face turned tomato red as she kept showing everyone.

Sero looked back at us with a smug look on his face as he asked, "So since when were you two together?"

Somehow my face is getting redder than a tomato as I kept hiding my face in my hands.

Aizawa then came in and said, "Everyone sit down and shut up!"

He is my savior! Thank you Aizawa Sensei!!!

We all went back to our seats for the lesson today. It was quite boring, but that's okay, all classes are boring. Aizawa's class is more boring than usual though, he is usually the fun one.

Is there a germane hidden somewhere? How is his teaching actually calm?

I kept looking around the room for grenades as Aizawa then said, "There are no grenades today Denki, stop panicking. The school said I needed to stop throwing grenades in the classroom."

I started calming down a little bit, but I feel like we are going to start having class outside because Aizawa loves his grenades.

After the lesson I felt like people were following me and Toshi, but every time I looked back, nobody was there. Toshi then turned my face and kissed me. When he broke the kiss he turned around to this crowd and said, "There, will you stop following us now."

They all ran different directions, my face turning a bright pink. We kept walking as more people came up and followed us.

This was probably the worst thing ever.

"Can you all just leave!?" I turned around yelling at them.

They all looked scared, I've never really bursted like this. They all scattered, and nobody bothered us again.

My day, now 100x better.
I know this chapter is a little long, but I needed something. Luv you all, hope you enjoyed!

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