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Having two babies in the house its a hassle but its nothing I'm complaining about casue let me tell you its a game to keep them distracted or down for a nap. 

when ones up and the other is napping then its a game of chase. Abe likes to run around striking mainly when it comes time for his bath which I found it funny cause Jax had dne the same so Ma said.

When Abel is  playing with his toys and Ana is up she's like an eight armed octpus grabbing and messing with things. I go to take something away only to see she's got something else.

One time she was hiding under Jax's Kutte and he couldn't find her but I knew where she was the whole time since I watched Abel cover her up so that Jax would have to seek her out.

"mommy have you seen Ana?" he asked

"no sorry daddy I haven't" I replied

"have you bud?" Jax asked looking at Abe who just smiled

"no cheat daddy" he says

"oh alright" Jax says as he continues to look for Ana. 

Both Abe and I giggle as he walks passed where Ana is probably now sleeping.

"ABe did you see that?" I asked

"see wat?" he asked playing along

"there something in daddy's Kutte" I replied

Jax walked back into the room.

"shhh ... don't tell him" I say to Abe

"don't tell me what?" Jax asked

both Abe and I made the zip our lips gesture

"please tell daddy," Jax says before he noticed his Kutte moving.

"what in the?"

He walked over and lifted his Kutte seeing our baby girl sound asleep.

"Awe that's too cute," he says as he lifts her up carefully and holds her before dropping his kutte on the back of the seat.

"how'd she get under there?" Jax asked

"I did it" Abe says

"for our game ?" Jax asked

"Yea" Abe replied

"you did good, cause daddy would've never seen her or thought to look there till he picked his vest up," Jax told Abel.

Abe smiled proudly at himself while Jax took and Laid ANa in her crib before he came and scooped abe up making him giggle.

"wanna go down for a nap as well?" Jax asked Abe

instead of an answer abe just yawned so Jax brought Abe over and let me give him kisses before taking him upstairs to his room to nap. 

I cleaned up around the living room hanging Jax's kutte up before I headed upstairs and stripped down climbing into bed. Jax followed shortly doing just the same. we of course had clothes within reach just in case Ana woke or Abe came in.

I started kissing Jax as he caressed and loved my body.

"I've missed this so much," he says

"I know two months and six weeks without sex isn't my cup of tea," I tell him

"mine either," he says 

We made love that night making sure to not be too loud just loud enough to where we could hear just how pleased and pleasured the other is.

Afterward, we showered had sex in there cleaned up, and headed downstairs where he both spent time curled up on the couch watching some tv before our little ones woke and we gave them our attention. 

I sat for a bit in Ana's nursery breastfeeding her while Jax had Abe downstairs feeding him something.

Jax and I work well as parents doing plenty of teamwork. 

When it's just me handling the two and I have to breastfeed Ana I cover my chest as Abe plays with his toys. he's becoming a curious little guy and I don't wanna explain what and why Ana is feeding from me. I'd like to wait for a rather long time till he learns of that amongst other things.

Abel love his little heart, he tries to help out the best he can. which isn't much, but I thank him and let him know that it's really sweet his helping me with sissy.

When I am home alone with the kids cause half the time Jax is working late at the garage or things with the club is requiring overtime. I handled ana alone while Abe is in his bed sleeping. half the time I just keep Ana in bed with me surrounded by pillows when I'm not in bed and half the time I keep the pillows behind her so she doesn't roll off.

 There had been plenty of times when Jax wouldn't come home till late and I'd wake up when Ana cries that I'd see Jax right there sleeping or he wakes and tends to Ana. Telling me to go back to sleep which I do half the time another half I stay awake so I can feed her. 

Regardless of working late or club matters Jax is a hands on dad with both our babies and I've got nothing to complain about. I'd like him to rest more but he tells me it's only fair and right that he helps since he was more than willing to help knock me up both times

I can't help but fall more in love with him as I watch him and our babies interact or him taking care of them.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now