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Later on that day after we made love over and over again we both got up showered and got dressed since some of Jax's clothes were still here.

We headed to the lot and went to work after hearing the guys laughing and cheering as well as whistling.

"you hurt her again, stepson or Samcro son I'll take mayhem after I kill you" dad warned Jax.

Jax nodded his head before he was embraced by the others as they congratulated him and called him a lucky dog.

We both ouccupided ourselves with work since Ma was taking the day off to be with her grandson.

"wheres Gemma?" dad asked

"she's taken the whole day off to be with Abel" I answered

He smiled before he handed the car slip paper over to me and took another one.

then Tara showed up as I walked out of the office for a short break while Chuck dealt with the office for a bit.

"Jackson your person is here" I called out

"oh shit man," Opie says

I could hear tools being messed with before Jax walked out and looked at Tara.

"what are you doing here?" he asked

"come to visit you of course" she says and tries to ease up on him but he holds her back.

"whats wrong?" she asked

"its over I regret my mistake and I've since learned my lesson. so just get out of here" he tells her

"you cant be serious" she says

"I am" he replied

"you choosing your step sister over me. thats incest" she says

"no its not we arent blood and she was my wife before she was my step sister" Jax replied

Tara shot me a look.

"do something I dare your ass" I warned

"I cant I'm pregnant" she says

"ain't mine I was real careful" Jax says

 It is yours I tempered with your condoms" she says

"Oh fuck there's gonna be a murder" Tig says

"Uh-oh Jackie boy" Chibs says

"you best hope your fucking lying" Jax says 

"I'm not lying I fucked with the condoms pusing a pin needle to poke holes in them" Tara says

"get the fuck outta here" Jax says

"no your mine and I wont raise our baby out of wedlock" she says

"either you get you ass out of here or I'll drag you pregnant or not I don't give a shit. you ruind their marriage once wont happen this time" Gemma says after she surprised us all by showing up.

"you cant harm a pregnant lady" Tara says

"I don't think your pregnant" Gemma says

"I am" she says then showed the scans I looked at them and busted out laughing.

"whats funny?"

"Hey juicy goosy come here for a second you wont believe this shit" I tell him

he walks over and looks at the scan.

"you notice it man?" I asked

"notice what" Gemm asked

"This isn't a human baby scan it's an animal scan." Juice explained

the others busted out laughing.

"if you're carrying this, then you need serious help and are much worse than I am," Tig says as the others laughed harder.

"thats a baby" Tara states

"no, you dumb shit that's a fawn. which is a female deer in case your pea brained ass didn't catch on. you temped with an ultrasound picture trying to make it look believable but fucked up when you left the extremely long legs" I said

She got upset cause she was caught and stormed off we all stood there laughing our asses off at the shit she tried.

"Where's Abe?" I asked

"in the suv with the a/c on sleeping. I came to give you papers from Lowen" Ma says

I looked rather before taking the envelope she held and Opened it up.

"we were never divorced" I read

"no, cause Jackson never signed" Gemma says

"holy shit" Jax says

I looked at him.

"ring now" I say handing the papers to ma

"No cant, you could be pregnant after last night," he says

"You were fucking still married to me and you fucked Tara. you motherfucker you committed adultery 

He sighs.

"I am so sorry," he says

"I'm gonna beat your ass one way or another Jackson for the shit you pulled on me," I tell him

"here you go," dad says handing me something

I looked and see him handing me a gun.

"what no. don't shoot him," Ma says

"I won't shot him cause Our son and possibly kid need him in their lives. he will  fuckin step up straighten his ass up quit fucking loose pussy and be not only a man but a father. if not I'll pistol whip his ass" I said handing dad his gun back

Jax looked at me with wide eyes knowing I was not bull shiting.

"I swear on my fathers and brothers grave I'll be a better man to you then what I was and I'l be a even better dad to Abel then what I was" Jax swore

"you best hope you do or dad won't have time to take mayhem cause I'll cut your fucking ick of and stuff it before having it mounted for all the others to see what happens when you fuck with the wrong Marrow Teller." I say

the guys instantly cover their junk as they winch as if I threatened their manhood.

"yes ma'am," he says

I smiled then walked over to Ma's suv opened the back door and climbed in picking up my now awake son and fixed with my shirt before I held Abe to me and he latched on.

I brushed his blond locks back and hummed. when the Door on the other side open and Jax climbed in he looked at me and smiled.

"the papers says that the whole you having full custody order didn't go through so he's still our son as though nothing ever happened" he informs me.

"well you know what happens if you pull that stunt or something similar again. so I have no worries. besisdes I'm glad you still have rights, now all you gotta do is move back home and we can got back to being the family we was before" I tell him

"cant wait" he says as he leans over and kisses Abe's head.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now