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He wants to cheat on me well I'm gonan show him what he fucked himself out of. I slipped on a sexy little number that consisted of a lace arm hollow top shirt and leather pants with ankle boots.

I headed to the Garage with Abel and heard the guys whistle when I stepped out.

"don't know if I should be pissed or proud?" dad says

"I'm showing him what he fucked him self out of." was al lI say as I carry Abel towards the garage.

"Holy fucker Amoret is that what' you've been hiding from us all?" Tig asked as I laid Abel in the cot and placed his diaper bag next to it.

"yea, cause I was happily married and didn't wanna show my body to anyone but him not I'm divorced and can wear want I wanna wear" I replied

"he's a fucking dipshit for letting you go" Opie says 

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"that he is, and it was his choice to give me up for a piece of shit runaway doctor" I replied as I walked over to a grinning Gemma.

"Hi ma" I greet kissing her cheek.

"Hi sexy momma" she replied

I smirked

"thank you." I replied she nodded and walked off leaving me to work.

"well don't you too go gawking at me like you've never seen a woman before. get to work" Gemma says shooing Opie and Tig off before she walked out.

I thanked everyone for their compliements as the work day kept on. Ma took abel home while I worked longer.

After the garage closes we all head inside and I talk with the guys.

"if I get him to go along with me I'm gonna really make Jax regret the shit he did. so just know that if this particular person goes along with this that I'm not ratting or giving info" I tell them

they smiled while nodding knowing just who I am speaking off.

"Clay Hale's here" a prospect says

"speaking of him" Bobby says

 we all walked out and Hale looks at me shocked before collecting himself and talks with my dad.

"I heard what happened with you and Jackson," Hale says 

"its a small town everyone would hear about it as it happened or before" I replied

"true" he says

he checked me over and had to hid my smile knowing this would be perfect.

"anything I could do?" he offers.

"yes, there is," I say before I walked off and talked with Hale as Jax showed up.

"I'm making Jackson regret fucking Tara and if you're willing to work with me we can create a fake relationship between the two of us and really make him regret his shit. now when and if this happens you won't get shit from me about anyone here. I won't rat nor speak a word of what happens with my family. this is purely to make Jackson suffer." I tell him

"I'm in. always wanted to get Jackson right where it hurts. and I know how you are so there's no worries of me trying to trick you or get information from you" he says

I smiled and so did he before we walked back towards the other.

"thank you for your time see you around," he says

"our date is still on for Thursday at eight right?" I asked

"that's right Amoret," Hale says

I smirk

"perfect I'll see you then," I say while smiling

He smiled and nodded before he left.

I hear Jackson storm off while I looked at my dad and winked he shakes his head along with the others who are laughing.

I leave the clubhouse and head home clean up and go to Ma's to tell her what happened.

"so tell me everything," she says

 I proceed to just that and by the time I finish, she is in tears from laughing.

"you're really going for it huh?" she asked,

"When have I ever half assed anything Ma?" I asked

"never" she replied

"exactly" I replied

"Deserves his little ass right. he fucked up the greatest thing to happen to him after you birth his son and gone through so much shit with him," she says

"yell apparently doctor Mctrash was worth it,"  I tell her

"we'll see how long that last until he's running back to you," she says

we sat there talking and drinking. I made sure what I had wasn't containing alcohol. 

I headed up to the room Abel was in and I crashed out with him not too far from me.

When I filed for divorce I got all rights to Abel. the judge told Jax it be up to me if and when I'd allow him to see Abel. 

I was home crying my heart out from the pain of heartbreak but then I collected myself and I changed my wardrobe to something that would make Jackson regret sticking his dick in trash.

I was gonna show the body that my momma gave me & the figure I got from having Abel. everything got bigger and filled out in all the right places. And now I can flaunt it as I make my ex suffer in regret.

Lovin him always (completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now