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"Sign the contract, Miss Y/n. It will be over before you know it."

The lawyer reassured you, "Your parents don't need to know about this. They just want you to marry this family." He added. He had the point,

"My client will divorce you after four years.
He will give you compensation money as the gift of your cooperation." My cooperation? It's not like i have any other choice. I was forced to agree doing this marriage.

"He send you to tell me all of this?"
"Mr. Jeon is very busy man. That's one of the reason he can't actively involved in the marriage but he is agree to do it for both company beneficial." Company beneficial.
Of course it is.

You looked down to the paper in front of you. The man had been signed it, "I'll leave the contract here. If you have any questions regarding the point on this contract. There is my number on it." He prepared to leave.

"I'll sign it." You'll marry him either way. There's no need to delay these matters. Your time is too precious to waste.

"Let me walk you through this, Miss.
First, there will be no party or honey moon.
The marriage only will be registered in civil registration. Mr Jeon will set the date."

You smirked. Who you think you are?

"Let me walk you back, Mr Lawyer. He is not the only one with job. If he wants to set the date, he has to fix his schedule with me. I'm a busy person too, I'm not always available."

The lawyer nodded, point taken." He made a note on the paper, "Second, Mr Jeon wanted you to sign prenuptial agreement." You chuckled, of course he wants that.

But you had your own money too, money is the last thing you need to worry.

You signed him to continue, "Third, Mr Jeon do not want a child from this marriage. But if you do pregnant you need to eliminate the pregnancy, he will take full responsibility for hospital fund."

And now, that sounds crazy...
"If i do pregnant? I think he said he won't be actively involved in this marriage. And he wants me to abort it as well? I'm not ruining my body for him. Tell him to fuck himself."

The lawyer was silently wrote another note.
"After the marriage he prefer you to move to the residence he choose. Some money will be transferred to your account for house expenses and your personal care to complete his role as the husband."

"Great." Husband role my ass.

"And the last point, even though the marriage will break after four years, people will learn about it as the time goes by. Mr Jeon insists you can not be seen with another man to avoid scandal that will tainted both parties. He wish the two of you will start and end it clean."
Because he has reputation to maintain, isn't it.

"Is that rule only apply for me or both of us?"
You retorted, "Just to be fair."

"Mr Jeon is very busy, Miss. I don't think he has a time to play around with girls."

You laughed at his face.
"No man is busy enough for their needs."

The lawyer took another note, "Alright. Here is Mr Jeon personal number. He already had yours. The new contract will send to your address soon."

This isn't the first time your parents sold their child for company. They also arranged a marriage for your sister back then. So you see this coming.

Your brother in law comes from a very wealthy family. And your sister seemed to get along well with her husband. She told everyone that she didn't mind with the arrange marriage, but she never come back to visit the family.

Now it is your turn. They had been selecting several candidates to marry their company with. Of course your happiness isn't part of the deal.
You only need to comply.

Unfortunately, unlike your sister, you had no chance to meet your 'so called' future husband. You searched his face on internet but there was nothing much information about him globally or personally.

There are only some photos with bad resolution.
Your only hopes that he's not some old perverted man.

Your little brother is still in high school. He is raised to be the heir of the company. He always get away with everything seems like your parents turned blind if it was about his mistake.

You were graduated your college last year and currently work in small company.
It is belong to your senior in college , he offered you to work with him. He didn't pay enough to cover your lifestyle but your parents were still transferred amount of money each months.
Another reason you can't turn down the marriage.

Your dad was angry when he found out you work in such a small company. He would love to make you one of his successor. Wishing you could help your brother since your sister left the family. You were about to take his offer but you heard he set you into marriage to get another company.
You turned your heels away.

Nothing surprised you more than your future husband sent his lawyer to your private residence. He did his homework apparently.

Not that you don't understand why he wanted to make a deal behind the parents. He doesn't want the marriage as much as you. He is probably has his own woman or maybe he isn't into woman at all. Either way it's happening.

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