CH-54 Marriage

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Midoriya's POV - Time Skip One Year After Graduation
It has been about one year since we graduated from UA and went on to live our lives as pro heroes. I took over All Might's former agency and hired a few sidekicks but not any of my classmates as they said they wanted to get their rank up on their own which I respected, my sidekicks were chosen specifically with rescue and evacuation in mind along with a few combat types. I didn't hire many sidekicks as I could do most of the work myself with relative ease but thought it would be best for some extra help when it comes to rescuing so that it would be the most efficient agency for me.

After graduation I gave Kyoka enough money to buy us a house on the outskirts of the city so that it would be in her name and not mine. We moved in straight after we left UA and it was a nice place, the house was big enough for a family of four with a spare guest room that we used as a study incase we needed to do hero work at home in the form of research. We also owned the area 500 metres in every direction from the house to give us enough privacy by fencing it off so nobody could come near us without breaking the law. We visited Eri once a week every week so we could check up on her but didn't come at the same time so people wouldn't figure out that we were together still as after graduation Mina helped us to fake a breakup. It was overly dramatic in my eyes but it worked in a way that everyone believed it and didn't ask too many questions. We decided to not tell many people that we were still together so the public wouldn't find out but still a fair few people knew. Those who knew were: Mr Aizawa, Midnight, Nezu, Eri, Mina, Kirishima, Bakugo, Uraraka, Mirko, Iida, Mirio, Tamaki, Nejire, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Kaminari, Shiozaki and our parents.

In this past year a few things had happened, even though everyone else who was in my class were still sidekicks whilst I jumped to the number three spot on the Hero Billboard Chart making me the fastest person to reach the top three. Kyoka got signed by a music production studio and she was starting to make her own music and become a famous musician as well as a famous hero. Yaoyorozu and Todoroki got married which was fairly quick in everyone's eyes since we were still so young when he proposed but they didn't mind and it got me thinking about marriage.

One day I decided to come home from my agency early whilst Kyoka was still at work so that I could plan something for her, I made a feast of a meal for when she came home. It wasn't long before she got home from a tiring day and was shocked that I cooked all this food for her.
"Woah, what's all this?" Kyoka asked.
"I came home early and made you a feast" I explained.
"What did you do?" She asked.
"What are you talking about?" I questioned.
"You never come home early, or cook. So tell me what you did" She insisted.
"Damn you ruin everything, I didn't do anything. It was supposed to be a surprise" I said.
"Okay, I'll eat but you'll explain why afterwards" She stated.
"Of course" I replied. We dug into the meal devouring it all as we were both starving.

Once we finished eating the food I decided to grab what I needed for this day to be complete.
"That was surprisingly delicious" Kyoka said.
"Yeah, I've been practicing lately so I could do this for you" I explained.
"I like it, but come on. Tell me what you did" She insisted.
"It's not what I did but what I am going to do" I said as I went up to her side and bent down onto one knee.
"Oh my god..." She whispered as she placed her hands over her mouth.
"Kyoka Jiro, will you marry me?" I asked.
"YES YES YES DEFINITELY" She screamed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissing me. I placed the ring on her finger and she started to admire it, it was a golden ring with a diamond on top of it.

She just kept staring at it all day and occasionally squealing before kissing me relentlessly. She was incredibly excited and wanted to and tell everyone but had to keep it a secret from most people but that didn't stop her from FaceTiming Mina whilst we sat in bed.
"Hey girl, what's up?" Mina asked as she answered. Kyoka just held up her hand with the ring on and all I heard was a high pitched squeal that could shatter glass from the other end. "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU GIRL" She screamed from the other end.
"Thanks Mina, I can't quite believe it either" Kyoka said whilst admiring the ring.
"Oh, let me get Eiji quickly" Mina said before running off camera. She returned promptly with Kirishima by her side and a massive grin on her face. "Go on Kyoka, tell him what you told me" Mina insisted. Kyoka just held up her hand again showing off her ring to Kirishima.
"Woah, congrats Jiro" Kirishima congratulated, I gave him a quick wave before the girls started talking about all sorts of things before they got onto a topic I hadn't quite thought through.
"How are you two going to have a wedding with the whole secret relationship thing?" Mina asked.
"Uhhh..." Me and Kyoka said in unison.
"Don't worry about it actually, I'll plan it for you" She said with confidence.
"Well, I think we should p-" I was going to make an arguement but she completely ignored me.
"You just tell me some of the things you'd like there as well as a list of guests and I'll sort the rest out" She said.
"Thanks Mina" Kyoka said accepting the fact that we wouldn't be able to convince her to not plan it for us. They continued to chat for awhile before we headed to bed.

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