CH-19 Her Support

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Kirishima's POV
I woke up early to get some exercise before our ultimate move training started and took a shower afterwords before getting changed and heading downstairs. Once I got downstairs Mina ran over to me with a concerned look on her face.
"Hey Kiri, so what ended up happening last night. Is she okay?" Mina had gone to bed before everyone else as she was exhausted with a few others so she didn't see Jiro walking with Midobro.
"I think she's doing better, I saw her as Mr Aizawa yelled at us for staying up late but none of us asked as she was still a little shaken up. Although Mineta had some 'choice' words to say, but don't worry I gave a talking to and if Midobro sees him again he'll be dead for sure"
"WAIT WHAT DID THAT LITTLE PERVERT SAY TO HER?" Geez I've never seen her this angry before, I guess she really cares for Jiro.
"He, uhm... Called her... Flat..." I reluctantly told her. I saw a look of shock appear on her face only to be quickly replaced by pure anger and rage. "Wait, wait, wait, Mina don't do what I think you're gonna do"
"Just let Midobro handle this. Also I need to ask this again but I need you to be honest this time... Are they dating?" I asked with a serious face. She started to glance to the side and bite her lip. "Okay, I guess they are then. Why didn't you tell me when I asked before? Kaminari thought she was available and asked her out only to get rejected"
"I'm sorry but I promised that I wouldn't tell anyone, please don't tell them that you know or that I let you know"
"Sure Mina" She quickly wrapped he in a hug and I started blushing but luckily she didn't notice.

Once we finished breakfast we all started heading out to the training area but two people were missing from the group.
"Uhhh guys, where is Midobro and Jiro?" I asked
"I haven't seen them this morning actually" Iida stated
"Don't worry about them for now I think I have an idea as to what's going on, lets just head out to training" Yaoyorozu said. With that we all trusted her and went to training, once we all got changed though we needed to make sure they were okay so asked Mr Aizawa.
"Excuse me sir, where is Midobro and Jiro?" I asked him concerned about my friends.
"They're excused from todays training" He brushed off quickly.
"How come? What happened last night?" I asked hoping that he wouldn't be vague.
"Not important right now, just focus on training. If you want to know ask them yourselves" He walked away from us so that we couldn't ask anymore questions and we went on to train. I hope they are doing alright. I'm worried about Jiro, she didn't seem to being doing that good before Mineta's comment. Maybe I should've let Mina kill him, oh well.

Jiro's POV
I was awake but resting on my boyfriends chest, it was very comfortable and I didn't want to get up but I knew that I would have to eventually. About an hour ago I had heard everyone leave for training and have been feeling bad for dragging Izuku out of training, I knew that he trained more than anyone else in our class but I still took him away from it. His eyes were closed and I assumed that he fell asleep again so I just rested my arms on his upper chest for my chin to rest on as I stared at his face with a sad expression. I'm sorry for this, if I wasn't weak you could be training right now but instead you're watching over me. Tears started forming in my eyes but I kept them quiet, I then only whispered:
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be sorry" I stopped crying and looked him in his now open eyes.
"Wait you were awake the entire time?"
"Yep, I was just resting my eyes whilst waiting for you to get up whenever you were ready to"
"Well everyone has left so we could go downstairs... And I'll be fine on my own so you can go train if you want" I whispered the last part but he still heard. He then sat up on his bed with me still laying on top of him, I yelped as he did so and he wrapped his arms around my back.
"Lets go downstairs and I don't need to train everyday so lets spend the day just the two of us until everyone else arrives" I smiled at him and kissed him, I wanted it to go on for longer but he stood up with me still in his arms and exited his room. I questioned if he was going to get changed first but he didn't respond he just looked at me, I looked down to see that I was only in a pair of shorts and a bra causing me to blush. Wait I slept on top of him with only a bra on my chest, AHHH. Izuku noticed my shocked expression and knew that I had only just realised but he only laughed. I pouted at him for laughing at me but I couldn't be mad at him, after a few seconds I started laughing too. I stopped when we arrived at my dorm and I just stared at the door ass he let me down remembering the nightmare I had.
"You don't have to go in if you don't want to, I can get some clothes for you..."
"No, I'll be fine" I just took a deep breathe before opening my door and walking in. I looked around my room to see a few of my things all over the place, I knelt down and picked up my phone before turning it on. I saw that I had several texts from almost everyone in the class, the only exceptions being Izuku as he was with me, Bakugo because he's a dick and Mineta because I never added him as a contact. I just sighed as I noticed 17 missed calls and 73 unread texts from Mina. I guess she must be really worried about me, I'll talk to her once they all come back. I grabbed some clothes and got changed quickly as to not keep Izuku waiting and walked out of my room with a smile on my face.

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