CH-13 The Training Camp

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Jiro's POV
We had just arrived in class and most people were already there, Izuku had let go of my hand when we entered as we were still keeping our relationship secret. We sat down and started to chat with our friends who were there, we were friends with basically everyone now even Todoroki. Which is surprising considering the fact that he wasn't the friendly kind at the start of the year, not to mention when he declared war on Izuku at the sports festival. I was talking with Yaomomo, who was probably my best friend, after Izuku of course, and Izuku was talking with Todoroki and Ilda. However I noticed that Uraraka was staring at Izuku, I couldn't tell why but I knew it was going to be troublesome later down the line.

Mr Aizawa entered the classroom and we all rushed to our seats before he could see that we weren't. He explained that everyone, even those who failed the final exam would be going to the training camp in the woods. Kaminari, Mina, Kirishima, Sato and Sero all jumped up with joy as they had failed the final exam and thought they weren't going to camp only to be met by his intense stare causing them to sit back down. Our core classes continued for the day along with some basic physical training before it was the end of the day.
"Hey guys, since camp is coming up soon and school is almost over. Why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together" Toru screamed
"OMG YES" Mina replied
"Alright lets go! Bakugo you're gonna come too, right?" Kirishima said
"Like I'd ever hang out with you extras!" Bakugo exclaimed
"Dude chill out that isn't manly at all" Bakugo just shrugged at Kirishima's comment and left. Todoroki also couldn't come as he was visiting his Mum on his days off. But the rest of the class agreed to go.

I went home and got changed to meet up with everyone at the mall at the scheduled time. I arrived relatively early, the only ones here at the moment were all of the other girls, I guess the girls are more excited to be here than the boys. We waited a few more minutes for the boys to arrive and they all quickly arrived. We started chatting amongst ourselves before heading out to start shopping, most of the class dispersed into small group of two or three leaving just me, Izuku and Uraraka where we all started. I went to grab Izuku's hand subtly to go shopping with just the two of us but Uraraka decided to speak up.
"So Deku, where are you planning to go? Maybe the two of us could go around together". Is she just completely ignoring my existence? She wants to be alone with Izu, but why?
"Oh, I was gonna go around with Kyoka. We both need to go to similar shops so we'll see you later"
"O-Oh okay, see you later". She looked upset, it was obvious she wanted to spend the entire time with Izuku. But we started walking away from Uraraka and towards some shops we wanted to go in. We had bought a few things but not many by the time we reached the centre of the mall by the water fountain and benches. It was the same place that the Nomu almost killed us for the second time. Memories of that day flooded my mind as well as the previous time the Nomu almost killed me back at the USJ.
"Huh Kyo, you okay?" Izuku asked. I was snapped out of my thoughts but didn't want him to worry, or know that it was stuck in my mind.
"I'm fine Izu, don't worry. I was just uhm... Thinking about which store to head into next" I lied. He could tell something was bothering me but he knew that I didn't want him to pry so he stayed quiet. I gripped onto his right arm looking for comfort and he gripped my hand in response, I felt a bit better but I still felt off. Izuku was about to say something but then something wrapped itself around mine and Izuku's neck, we both went to turn around to see who it was but their grip tightened as we did telling us not to turn around. Then they spoke.
"Well Midoriya, I can't believe we're running into each other again. Oh from you're point of view we haven't met since the USJ. It makes me think that maybe it isn't a coincidence". Fear consumed both of us as me instantly knew who it was.
"Don't turn around, act natural and I won't kill either one of you" I dry yet familiar voice said. It was Shigaraki.
"What do you want, Shigaraki?" Izuku asked
"Just to talk, I was hoping to talk to you alone but it seemed as though this girl wouldn't leave your side. Midoriya"
"Alright, just let her go. I'll talk with you"
"Oh Midoriya, you think I'd just let her go. She would alert the heroes and interrupt our little chat, besides I think that you'd be more cooperative if I was holding her life hostage. Now sit". We went with Shigaraki to sit down as he gripped onto our necks before he started to speak.
"When it comes down to it I hate basically everything, but the Hero Killer pisses me off the most right now"
"I thought that he was one of yours, was he not?"
"That's what the media made it look like, but no he isn't. That's what my problem is, suddenly everyone is obsessed with that stupid Hero Killer. The attack on UA, the mall and the Nomus I released in Hosu he upstaged all of it. Nobody's giving me a second thought, why is that? No matter what he claims to believe all he really did was try to get rid of the things he didn't like. So what do you think the difference is between us, Midoriya?"
"Well I don't agree with what you do, and I don't agree with the Hero Killer either but I can understand him because he and I have something in common. We are both inspired by All Might and he doesn't just destroy things because it sounds fun. When things were looking bad for him he didn't just turn around and run away and he held true to his beliefs. That's the difference". We both then looked at Shigaraki and were instantly terrified as he started to give a smirk.
"Ahh, that's like a wait off my chest. I see it now like all the dots connected, why he makes me so angry, why you irritate me so much everything makes sense. It's him. The problem is All Might. Yeah, yeah that's it. It's the most rational explanation. I didn't see it even though it was right in front of me the whole time. What was I worrying about so much. He's why these morons can smile thoughtlessly". He tightened his grip on both of our necks as we both struggled to breathe.
"They feel so safe because that garbage pro is smiling down on them as if there's nobody in the whole world he can't save. Oh I'm glad we had this chat, I can't thank you enough Midoriya. I don't need to change my ways after all. Whoops don't struggle now do you want her to die, do you want all these people to crumble as well"
His grip tightened even more before eventually releasing us, we both gasped for air as he stood up and started to leave.
"I have a question, Shigaraki". Wait why are you talking to him even more, we barely survived that chat.
"What is All for One after?". All for One what is that?
"Who knows really, but here's a little word of advice friend. Next time we meet I might have to kill you". Shigaraki walked off and we instantly called the police to let them know what happened. The mall was then closed as we were questioned on everything Shigaraki had said and his appearance. We gave a report in at the police station as we were praised for keeping it cool and not panicking, but internally I was panicking the entire time. We walked out as a skinny blonde man came up to Izuku knowing him as he showed concern for him. Who is this guy? My god I have a lot of questions after today. My parents came to pick me up and wrapped me in a tight hug, they were crying and extremely worried about me. Izuku's mother had arrived at the same time and did the same to him as my parents did to me. However she seemed a lot more worried about him than my parents about me, I gave Izuku a smile as we turned to leave which he returned as he left. It wasn't long before I got home and went straight to lying on my bed. I have too many questions after today. Why was Shigaraki obsessed with Izuku and Stain? Who or what is All for One? Who was that skinny blonde man Izuku knew? I tried to drift off to sleep but my mind was consumed with the memories of all the incidents I had been in since starting UA whenever I closed my eyes. I couldn't sleep but still just laid down not doing anything.

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