CH-23 The Truth

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Jiro's POV
Izuku's match had just finished early due to some complications with his quirk, I was extremely worried about him as this had never happened to him before and he looked like he was in pain. He was taken to Recovery Girls office and I wanted to follow to make sure he was okay but my match was up next and Mr Aizawa insisted that we continue the training. Before I went to my match I looked over to Bakugo expecting to see him enraged that his match was called off but he was just staring at the ground as though he was thinking about something. I brushed it off as I had to go to my match.

I arrived at our team base and saw Uraraka waiting there for me. Of all people why did I have to be paired up with her. Ugh, oh well I hope she isn't mad about me dating the one boy she loves. I walked over to her and said hi but she just ignored me. Great, she is mad. This isn't going to go well, especially with our opponents. The match started and we hadn't even come up with a plan, not that it would help us as she isn't interested in teaming up. Or so I thought.
"I'll send you up high with my quirk so you can scout for them whilst staying out of sight" She said with a smirk.
"That's a great idea. How about up there?" She looked up to where I pointed and nodded she then activated her quirk on me and sent me up there. I gave her a signal to release her quirk but she ignored it and ran off. Wait, what is she doing? Is she trying to get rid of me? Oh I see now, she's taking me out of the fight to try and show Izuku that she's better than me. I'm not that easy to get rid of.

Uraraka was engaged with our opponents but wasn't doing too well, she couldn't get close to Todoroki due to his flames and ice and Ojiro was able to keep her at bay with his tail. She couldn't even use her quirk on objects because if she released them I would be released too. She was struggling in the fight and I didn't really want to help her but I had to in order to win. I used my quirk with the speakers on my boots to propel myself towards the enemy and caught them off guard. I managed to kick Todoroki in the head from behind but my control wasn't perfect, I was launched back into the air from the recoil and tried to use my speakers to bring myself back down. Todoroki and Ojiro were shocked to see me flying towards them with my quirk and Uraraka's, this distracted them enough for me to attack again. I placed my hand speakers on the ground and released a devastating sonic blast. HEARTBEAT DISTORTION. The shockwave destroyed all of the ice Todoroki had produced and caused both him and Ojiro to lose balance, as I was coming down for my attack Todoroki blasted some flames towards me. However since my attack made him lose his balance the flames missed and actually hit Ojiro's tail.

They had started to panic as I had caught them off guard with my attacks, Uraraka was just staring at me as I managed to turn her way of keeping me out of the battle to a way to get off a surprise attack. She still hadn't released her quirk which caused our opponents to get confused, it wasn't planned but it was causing them to hesitate as they had no idea what we were planning and to be honest neither did we. I propelled myself towards Ojiro as to capture him with the tape. Todoroki was still able to counter attack so I decided not to go after him and Ojiro was hurt from the flames so was unable to fight back in this moment. I wrapped the capture tape around his leg and he was out, I was still floating as Uraraka had still refused to release it. She also wasn't helping me in the fight but just watching, waiting for me to fail miserably in front of everyone.

I floated in front of Todoroki and waited for him to make the first move, since I couldn't get another surprise attack off and my movement is limited thanks to Uraraka I thought that it wouldn't be smart to move first. Eventually he charged at me but didn't use his quirk I launched myself over him and swung my leg around to kick him, he grabbed my leg with his right hand and froze my boot. My speaker was no longer functioning properly so my movement was now even more restricted than before. I tried to use my remaining speaker to back away from him but my balance was off and I went into a wall, Todoroki took advantage of this and blasted flames at me. I jumped up trying to dodge but my I damaged boot got caught, my leg burnt and my speaker broke from the intense heat. I struggled to compose myself as I rose higher and higher into the sky, I was planning on using the speakers on my hands to direct myself back down to the ground but as I was trying to plug my jacks into them I suddenly felt a force dragging me down. Uraraka had released her quirk whilst I was at least 100 metres in the air, I wasn't able to place my jacks into my speakers and with the speed of my fall and didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes and raised my arms in front of my face to brace myself as thoughts of Izuku came to my mind.

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