CH-8 Raging Sports Festival

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Jiro's POV
An obstacle course huh, I'm pretty good at those. Though I wonder what twist UA will put on it. We all headed to the starting line and waited for Present Mic to announce the start of the race. I looked to my left to see Midoriya with a nervous yet determined look on his face, he noticed me staring and looked over. This time however neither of us started looking away frantically, we gave each other a determined smile before we were off.

The door way was the first obstacle, it was extremely narrow and everyone was trying to squeeze past. I can barely breathe, why is everyone pushing so hard, HUH. Whilst everyone was trying to push past I got knocked into Midoriya, pressed right up against his chest.

"Oh, hey. Didn't see you there" I said with a giggle
"Ha, right". He helped me push past some of the others but then a wave of ice covered the ground freezing all of our feet to the ground. I quickly plugged my jacks into the ground and released sound waves to free my feet, I also freed Midoriya and shot him a quick smile. Some others had also broken through and we were now at the front of the pack. We were running side by side when robots emerged in front of us. Todoroki released a massive wave of ice and instantly took down one of the zero point villains. Wow, I need to remember never to piss him off. EVER.

After Todoroki went on ahead all of the other participants were left to deal with all of the other robots. Yaomomo had created a cannon and took down the remaining zero point robots. Me and Midoriya followed the group taking down the smaller robots, I used my jacks to send sound waves through them and destroy them. Midoriya had grabbed a piece of the robot that fell earlier from Todoroki's attack and used it to destroy others.

We had been running for about 2 minutes past the robots before encountering the next obstacle, a chasm with ropes linking various pillars together. So we have to walk across the ropes huh. My quirk won't be useful here but my balance is amazing, this'll be easy. I started to walk across the ropes to make it to the other end. Midoriya was right behind me, he wasn't good at balancing so he was shuffling across whilst gripping onto it for dear life. I wonder why he's bringing that piece of the robot along, does he have a plan. Or is he just being stubborn...

I made it across the ropes without a problem and started running towards the next obstacle. Midoriya was a few places behind me, we were in the middle of the pack. If we keep this up we'll pass, we've got this. I approached a mine field and watched as a few people got launched into the sky after stepping on one of them. If I step on one of them I won't be taken out but I'll lose a lot of places. I hope Midoriya is careful. I started to make my way through the mine field using my jacks to spot the mines in advance. I looked back to see how Midoriya was doing. HUH, What is he doing? Midoriya was gathering up a bunch of mines into one place, I brushed it off knowing that he had a plan and focused on advancing myself.

I was close to half way through the mine field, I looked ahead to see Todoroki and Bakugo fighting near the end of the field. I looked back to find Midoriya only to see that he was still at the start. About 20 people had passed him, I started to wonder whether or not he'd pass. Please Midoriya, have a plan. You can't lose, you need to get through to the next round... My thoughts were interrupted when a massive explosion occurred at the start. The pink smoke engulfed half of the mine field up to myself. I closed my eyes and braced myself, once I could I opened my eyes and looked to the sky to see Midoriya. He was flying through the air on the piece of the robot he was carrying around. He flew past everyone and reached the end of the  mine field, Todoroki and Bakugo started rushing forward to catch up to him.

I stopped focusing on Midoriya and rushed my way to the finish line, I crossed in 21st place. I ran up to Midoriya and asked how he had placed, apparently thanks to his plan he ended in first place. I congratulated him and continued a casual conversation until Midnight announced the next event.

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