CH-30 Gentle Criminal

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Midoriya's POV
After the Shie Hassaikai raid I was talking to All Might about a new way to fight, I needed a way to fight at long range when up against powerful close range opponents. I had blackwhip but it was mainly for mobility and capturing not fighting and I couldn't control smokescreen enough to a point that I could actually use it safely in combat. It was just as difficult to tell where my opponent is as for them is to know where I am, I've been training with it with Kacchan but to no avail.

About one week before the festival began I went to the support course and requested some special gloves that allow me to focus my power. With my power output being at a maximum of 30% I can manipulate wind pressure giving me ranged attacks, these gloves will allow me focus the power when I flick my fingers so instead of a wide ranged air blast it becomes like a sort of air bullet. I got it a few days before the festival began and trained using it with All Might in my spare time. Over the month of preparing not much had happened, all of the couples ended up going on a few dates, Tokoyami and Tsu started dating, Uraraka was still acting weird, Kaminari started acting more cheerful than usual and Kacchan started acting unusual for him.

I was getting used to pushing my power to 30% for an instant in my fingers to to do this attack but I was still too slow for it to be effective. I would train early in the morning and then head back to the dorms to practice for the school festival performance. We had been recently practicing in the hall where we would actually perform to get a feel for what it would actually be like as well as bring all of the crews, dance, music and special effects together. This continued up until the day before the festival started.

After practicing almost all day the day before the festival we went back to the dorms where most people went straight to sleep but some of us stayed up for a little bit.
"AAAAAHHH I'm so excited that I can't sleep" Mina squealed whilst laying back on her chair.
"Quiet, the others are sleeping" Kyoka said whilst walking over to me. I was sitting at the table with a rope that we would use to swing Aoyama across the roof to make an extravagant disco ball.
"That rope looks quite frayed, you shouldn't use that one tomorrow" Kyoka pointed out.
"Yaoyorozu will make you a new one, and some tea" Kaminari said in his best attempt of a fancy voice.
"She isn't your personal factory" Mina scolded.
"It's fine I'll just buy one at the store, I need to get some other things anyway" I said.
"Are there any places open that early though which sell rope?" Ojiro asked.
"Yeah there's a small convenience store that opens fairly early. I'll head over there after training" I told them.
"Do you ever not train Midobro?" Kirishima asked.
"Well, I've needed to practice for this so I haven't been able to train as much as I would've liked but it's fine" I explained.
"Babe just calm down with the training okay, especially tomorrow" Kyoka said as she kissed me.
"Yeah, yeah I know. I won't train too much tomorrow" I said.
"Alright, well we should probably get some sleep. We need plenty of energy for tomorrow" Kirishima suggested. We all agreed and went to bed. Me and Kyoka slept in different rooms as she only comes to mine when she doesn't feel comfortable or is just bored.

I woke up at 6am to start training and got changed quickly before heading out to meet All Might for training. The shop opened at 8am, the festival started at 9am and our performance started at 10am so I had plenty of time to get everything I needed. I was training with All Might using my gauntlets as well as practicing my control over smokescreen, and we trained for longer than I should've. It was now 8:30am and I had to rush to get to the shop, I needed to be back a while before our performance to help get everything get prepared. It took me twenty minutes to get there and buy everything I needed meaning that I would miss the official start of the festival but I still rushed to get back. I accidentally bumped into someone as I was rushing and apologised but their voice sounded familiar, he started to get nervous when I finally realised what was going on.
"Stay away... From my school" I said with an angry tone.
"So, you figured me out. Well I guess I'll have to stop you from interfering then" The masked man said. He threw off his trench coat and mask whilst the girl next to him threw off her coat. It was Gentle Criminal and La Brava, he announced himself to a camera that La Brava was holding as well as revealing his plan. He was going to infiltrate UA so that he could get views on social media.

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