CH-45 Midnight's Night

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Midoriya's POV
Kyoka woke me up after I slept on the roof, she helped me up but I was still sore from sleeping on the roof. I was taking her out today so texted All Might so he could get me permission to leave the campus. I went to my room and took a quick shower before getting changed into a hoodie and some jeans. I went downstairs quickly realising that I was five minutes late as I took too long in the shower, I saw Kyoka waiting patiently for me at the doors to the dorm and ran towards her.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Yep lets go" She said grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her. We left the UA campus pretty quickly and started walking down the street.
"So, you seem to be leading the way. Do you have somewhere you want to go to in particular?" I asked.
"Uhhh... Lets go to the mall. You get me plenty of stuff there" She replied happily.
"Great..." I sighed.

We got to the mall fairly quickly as Kyoka was eager to go to as many shops as possible before we had to go back, a few people recognised me as Deku but I tried to keep my head down so we could enjoy this time together. Once inside the mall Kyoka started to run in and out of several shops with me struggling to keep up with her, I ended up buying her some things for her instruments before heading into a clothes store. She wasn't normally one to enjoy going out shopping but seemed to enjoy it this time. She had me buy her half a dozen sets of clothes all of which were quite expensive, once she got that shopping spree out of her system we went to get some food. We went to a restaurant in the mall and ordered a pizza to share, she ended up eating most of it because she insisted and I wasn't in a position to argue. After eating I felt somebody watching us so turned around to see some reporters following us with a camera, I grabbed Kyoka's hand and started running. I explained why and noticed that they were trying to follow us but we were too fast, we hid in a store and waited for them to run past before heading back out.
"Sorry about that" I said.
"Why are you apologising Izu? It's just some reporters, you wanted to get away from them it's fine" She replied.
"I just wanted us to have a peaceful day out but they're just gonna keep following me around whenever they see me. I guess we'll never get another peaceful day out again if this continues" I explained.
"Well how did you think it'd be once you become the number one hero?" She asked.
"Like this I guess, it's just unfair on you" I said sadly.
"Eh I don't mind, makes it more exhilarating" She said excitedly.
"Right... Lets just go" I said whilst grabbing Kyoka's hand and walking out of the shop we hid in.

We were walking around the mall looking for anything to do, I ended up buying a cap so I could try and hide my identity if we ran into the reporters again. It was 4pm when I got recognised, the cap didn't help me much but actually brought more attention to me. We started getting swarmed by people outside asking for my autograph whilst the reporters started to ask questions after they trapped us.
"Deku, when will you and Mirko return to hero work?" They asked.
"I think I'm supposed to restart my work study after the sports festival I think" I answered.
"ARE YOU SINGLE?" One of the people surrounding me shouted.
"N-No" I answered. Why are fans like this? Is it always going to be like this. Wait, where did Kyo go? I looked around to see that she had been pushed back into the crowd, I signalled for her to meet me behind the crowd and used my quirk to float above everyone and meet her there. Everyone swarming me started following me and I ran away with Kyoka, I picked her up bridal style and leapt away so we could get away from all of my fans.

I landed at an empty park about a mile away and let Kyoka down.
"Sorry about t- OWW" I was about to apologise but Kyoka punched my arm.
"Stop apologising Green Bean, it's fine. But rumours of us two dating will be all over the news if they got a pick of you carrying me" Kyoka said.
"Yeah true, oh well. It doesn't really matter anyway does it, I doubt any harm will come of it. If anything it may raise your popularity" I teased.
"I'll make my popularity grow by my own hero work thank you very much" She said strictly.
"It will have an effect whether you like it or not I'm afraid. After all it can't be easy to hide a relationship in this age can it?" I questioned.
"Nah, you can't hide a relationship. Especially between heroes, when you become number one you'll have the media following your every move" She explained.
"Oh well, whatever. Lets just head back to the dorms" I said whilst starting to walk back to the dorms next to Kyoka.

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