CH-15 Aftermath

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Midoriya's POV
My mind was fuzzy, I couldn't remember what had happened very clearly only to wake up unable to move. I had casts on both off my arms and was still exhausted. I slowly looked around the room I was in only to eventually realise that I was in a hospital, I still couldn't remember what had happened but as I was trying to remember Kaminari came through the door.
"Hey Midoriya, you're up. How you feeling?" I simply just groaned as I tried to move into a more comfortable position. "Heh, that tells me all I need to know" Eventually everyone else in the class entered the room to see me and asked how I was feeling. I looked around the room my mind still blurry only to realise that Kyoka wasn't there.
"Hey Kaminari, where's Kyoka?" Everyone stared at me with a confused look.
"Don't you remember Midoriya. She was knocked unconscious from the gas and unfortunately hasn't regained consciousness yet" Todoroki said. My eyes widened as I started to remember what happened with her, then I remembered what happened with Kacchan.
"Is... Is she going to be okay?" I asked with sadness in my voice as I looked down. Everyone noticed how down I was and tried to make me feel better. They knew she meant a lot to me, especially Mina.
"Yeah she'll be fine Midoriya. No need to worry about your girlfriend" Mina said causing everyone to look at her confused. I then stared at her as she revealed the one thing she promised she wouldn't. "Kidding, I know you're not dating. I know you two can't get enough of each other so I had to. You should see the looks on your guys faces" She said whilst laughing. Everyone started to feel a little better even me, even though it wasn't actually that funny to the rest of us her joy and enthusiasm was contagious to the entire class. Then Kirishima and Todoroki brought up Kacchan and said they had a plan to go and rescue him, everyone in the room were shocked that they would go after the League of Villains but understood where they were coming from. Nobody else agreed with their plan and Ilda started to lecture them saying that it was too dangerous and reckless. Kirishima then tried to persuade me to join them but I was conflicted, they had planned to ask Yaoyorozu for help and I wasn't sure if she would help. They all then left as the doctor entered my room but as everyone left Kirishima stayed behind to say when and where they were going to meet up if he was going to join them.

The doctor explained how bad the damage was to my arms, they had permanent damage and I could lose them entirely if I sustained this damage two or three more times. He also informed me of a burn on my right arm by the shoulder from the flame attack and that it would be wise to keep an eye on it and wear a compression sleeve. He had taken off my casts and allowed me to leave the hospital, it was only 2pm but I didn't want to go home yet. The doctor gave me a note which was written by Kota, the boy I saved. He apologised for punching me in the balls and thanked me for saving him. I put the note in my pocket after I got changed and went looking for Kyoka's room. The doctor had told me where she was so it only took a minute to find her, I then sat down next to her bed and held her hand in mine. I texted my Mum telling her that I was going to stay at the hospital for a while to check on a friend. Kyo, I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you. I'm fine so there's no need to worry about me. Please get better, for me. I love you.

I spent hours just sitting next to her holding her hand and occasionally talking to her. I told her all about Kirishima and Todoroki's plan to save Kacchan hoping that she'd wake up in that moment and tell me whether or not to go. I knew that she would say to not go as she would just worry about me as she cares about me a lot more than Kacchan but I still wanted to hear it from her. The doctor came in a couple times and told me about her condition whilst he was there, he was worried about me because I hadn't left her side since I woke up and therefore hadn't eaten anything. He tried to convince me to go home or head out somewhere to get some food but I just stayed sat there next to her, holding her hand refusing to leave her side. It was around half six in the evening when the door behind me opened again, I assumed it was the doctor so didn't move from Kyoka's side. However, as I was sitting next to Kyoka a hand rested itself on my shoulder, I quickly looked back only to see Yaoyorozu standing behind me smiling. I carefully yet quickly let go of Kyoka's hand and stood up to face Yaoyorozu.
"Don't bother trying to come up with a lie. I know you two are a thing, and I haven't told anyone nor do I plan on" I sighed not even trying to deny it.
"Thank you Yaoyorozu, what are you doing here anyway?"
"I was looking for you actually. I went to your room but the doctor said that you had left to see your classmates. Since you hadn't visited me I went to Toru first assuming you'd be here and checked on her before coming here to check on you both. So how are you doing?"
"I'm... I'm doing alright" I said as I remembered Kacchan and looked down at Kyoka. I then sat back down and grabbed her hand again.
"Is she doing alright?" Yaoyorozu asked as she sat down next to me.
"She's doing well I think, unless the doctors don't want me to know anything bad. She should wake up tomorrow if everything goes well"
"Are you planning on staying here until she wakes up"
"I was but I'm assuming you came here to see if I'm going to go with Kirishima and Todoroki"
"Right. So are you?"
"I don't know... I wanted to ask Kyoka to see what she thought but I won't have time to"
"You know she'll say that you shouldn't go. She'll worry too much"
"I know, but I wanted to hear because if I don't, I'll do something stupid like actually go"
"Well, lets just ignore that plan for now and eat"
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"When I went to see you the doctor said that you hadn't eaten at all since you woke up, so I went to get some food before I came here and I brought Katsudon"
"Really, oh thank you so much"
"No problem" She said as she just smiled as I dug into my food.

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