CH-28 Overhaul

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Midoriya's POV
I was finally getting a good night sleep after Mirko's restless nights and OFA invading my dreams. I was relaxing in my sleep until my phone decided to ruin everything, I was annoyed and prepared to yell at Mirko for disturbing my sleep again. It was only 5am and I was going to get up at 6am for training but that one extra hour was worth so much to me.
"Woah calm down kid, I wasn't going to but the raid is happening"
"Oh sorry, I've just not gotten much sleep lately"
"Yeah I know, that's my fault. Anyway, get your costume on and head to the location I sent you. Your classmates should've also been called over so I guess you could make sure that they are up and ready"
"Right, I'll be there as soon as possible"
"As I'd expect from you kiddo" I ended the call and quickly got changed into my hero costume and ran downstairs. I was looking to see if any of the others had gotten ready yet or if I should go and check on them, I couldn't see anyone but heard something by the kitchen.
"Who's there, Kirishima?" I asked.
"Heh, no it's just me" Shinso emerged from the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee. "Did I wake you?"
"No, I'm heading off on a mission"
"Oh right, well I'll be heading back to my room now"
"O-Okay" Shinso then went up the stairs and Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu came downstairs.
"You ready for this Midobro?" Kirishima asked with a massive grin and bumping his fists together.
"Definitely" I replied with my Mirko style grin. We walked out of the dorms and encountered Mr Aizawa on the way, we walked over to the police station to get our orders for the mission.
"You know Midobro, Mirko is really rubbing off on you" Kirishima pointed out.
"Really, how so?" I asked.
"Well. You're a lot more confident now, which is a good thing. You're fighting style is similar to hers and that grin is incredibly scary" Kirishima said.
"Oh, I didn't notice"
"Nobody has ever partnered with Mirko long term so nobody knows what to expect with her. That also means that she doesn't actually know how to deal with a student for training" Mr Aizawa pointed out.
"That is true, she doesn't really hold back much. Although she has been slowing down her movements so that I can keep up"

We arrived at the police station as our conversation ended and the head officer started explaining the job. Our mission was to arrest every member of the Shie Hassaikai, with Kai Chisaki as our top priority, and rescue the girl which is being held prisoner, Eri. They handed out sheets with a list of known Hassaikai members and their quirks, thanks to Mirko and myself we also had information on a villain who regulars fight clubs and is presumed to have joined the Shie Hassaikai. I mentally prepped myself before we went off.

We started running over to the Hassaikai building to start the raid.
"You nervous kiddo?" Mirko asked me.
"A little" I replied.
"I'm not surprised kid, schools don't prepare you for things like these. This will be valuable experience and know this. It's absolutely fine to be nervous, most pros get at least a little nervous when doing things like these as they don't actually happen that often"
"Right, thanks Mirko" She shot her signature grin at me which I returned. We stopped in front of the Hassaikai base and were about to go in then a massive villain who had the ability to steal a persons life force to make himself stronger charged out of the gate.
"What do you want? It's too early for visitors" The villain asked as he prepared his next attack.
"PERFECT, YOU LOOK LIKE A WORTHY CHALLENGE" Mirko screamed as she was about to attack.
"Leave this to Ryukyu and her team, lets go" Sir Nighteye said. With that we all charged into the building minus Ryukyu, Uraraka, Tsu and Nejire. We moved in and went down a secret passage, some villains appeared from there but Nighteyes sidekicks stayed behind and dealt with them. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs a wall blocked the path we should've been able to take, Mirio went up to the wall and passed his head through it to see what was on the other side. He told us that the path continued so me and Kirishima, without hesitation, launched attacks at the wall and broke through. We all charged on as Mirio led the way, suddenly the walls started to shift around making it difficult to stand and move forward. So this is their plan, they are trying to stall us. Mirio ignored this diversion and somehow managed to charge on ahead of all of us passing through every wall in his way. The villain manipulating the walls decided to ignore him and focus on us as we were the big pack, he opened a hole in the floor causing most of us to fall. The only ones left up top were most of the police officers who came down with us. We were left in a room with three Hassaikai members, we were all ready to defeat them but Amajiki decided to handle them himself so that we wouldn't be stalled any longer. We reluctantly agreed to this as because Fatgum trusted him, we left the room and started heading towards the target. Eventually the man manipulating the walls appeared again and opened a hole in the wall and tried to push Erasurehead through it, Fatgum and Kirishima jumped in the way taking the hit and allowing Erasurehead to continue on with the mission and leaving the two of them to deal with whatever was down through the hole. The walls started to move again but RockLock froze the walls in place making it difficult for him to crush us but that didn't stop him. He launched pillars of the wall towards us from the areas which weren't affected by RockLocks quirk but I managed to destroy them all as he sent them towards us, he eventually realised that he couldn't crush us so tried a a different plan by opening up the area. We were all cautious of what they were planning and didn't make a move letting them have the first move. Walls came down from the ceiling splitting the open room we were in into four sections, I was almost crushed by one of the walls but Mirko grabbed me out of the way.
"Thanks Mirko"
"No problem kiddo, stay on guard they are planning something"

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