CH-17 Settling In

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Jiro's POV
I woke up at around 9am and reluctantly got out of bed, I grabbed a big purple jumper and threw it on. I hadn't bothered to use the private bathroom in my dorm as I had forgot we were in the dorms and left my hair a mess. I walked downstairs half asleep expecting to see my parents only to see a few of my classmates already up. Oh right... I'm at the dorms, and I didn't sort out my hair... Ugh, I can't be bothered anymore... I grabbed myself a glass from the cupboard and grabbed myself a drink and sat down only to interrupted by Iida.
"Jiro, you should make sure you are more presentable before showing yourself in front of other people" I seriously can't be bothered anymore. I just sighed. My hair was a complete mess, the worst case of bed head I'd ever had.
"Ugh..." I just placed my head on the table and sighed again.
"Jiro don't ignore me" I just turned to look at him.
"Dude, you need to chill. Ugh, I'm too tired for this"
"If you're tired then you should've stayed up so late after the room contest"
"In case you didn't notice I was exhausted before the contest started and almost fell asleep before Mina woke me up, and Mina wanted us all to participate so I just stayed up"
"Very well then I'll make an exception this time, but try better next time"
"Ugh... Fine" He then walked away to go and lecture more people as I just sighed. He really needs to chill out. I kept laying my head on the table until I felt a hand on my shoulder, I was too tired to see who it was so I just groaned to let them know that I was alive.
"You seem to be doing great don't you, Kyo" My head suddenly spiked up and I stared at him. Oh no he's seeing my bed head.
"I-uhm..." He just giggled slightly as I fumbled with my words.
"Relax, I've seen you with bed head before. Remember" He whispered. Oh yeah he did I guess, wait why am I panicking about anyway? It's just bed head, he will see me with it every day eventually right? Ugh, I'm not thinking straight. "You okay Kyo, you seem off?"
"Ugh, I'm just too tired for this" I slumped my head on the table again and sighed yet again.
"Alright, lets sort this out right now" He stood up from his seat and stood next to me.
"What are you doi- HEY LET GO OF ME YOU IDIOT" He picked me up from my seat and carried me over his shoulder.
"Well you're more awake than before so that's a start". Even though I was now more awake than before I was still tired and just slumped down over his shoulder and didn't resist. The few people who were already downstairs just stared as they watched Izuku carry me away.
"Iida you really need to chill out" Izuku said as he walked up the stairs with me over his shoulder. As we were walking we passed Kirishima, he was just staring at me as Izuku continued walking.
"Hey" I said as we passed each other.
"H-Hey" He responded with a confused look on his face.

Eventually we arrived at my dorm and he dropped me on my bed, I started to lay down to sleep whilst he grabbed a few things from my desk. I closed my eyes to sleep when he picked me up again and sat me down on my stool, I just pouted as he took me away from my nap time. He started to giggle at my face and then went behind me, he put a comb in my hair and started straightening it out.
"What are you doing Izu?"
"Sorting out your hair for you and waking you up"
"Huh, how is this wa- HEY WHAT THE HELL" He just squirted my face with water from a spray bottle before spraying some into my hair. He just started combing and brushing it to get it all straight. He then grabbed a bobble and started messing with my hair. "What are you doing now?" He didn't say anything yet again but kept messing with my hair.
"... And done" I stood up and looked in the mirror to see what he had done to my hair only to see that it was up in a ponytail.
"You know, it looks kinda cute. Who knew you were good at hairstyling, especially with... that"
"Huh, with tha- HEY DON'T INSULT MY HAIRSTYLE AFTER I DID THIS FOR YOU" I only giggled at his response as I skipped over to the door. I turned around and winked at him whilst sticking my tongue out at him. The anger grew on his face but was holding it back.
"Oh, and we're gonna have to do something about those shoes" I spun around on my heel and started walking out, once I opened my door I turned around and saw Izuku's anger rising. "Uhm... You okay?" This isn't gonna end well.
"Kyoka Jiro..." Oh no, he said my full name. He's never done that before, it seems that I'm in trouble. "... Don't ever insult... My hair... Or my SHOES" He started running towards me and I just ran away downstairs. I almost ran into Kirishima whilst trying to escape my boyfriend's wrath.
"H-Hey Jiro, you okay?"
"Nope, can you please hold him back as long as possible please" I asked with a desperate smile.
"Hold who back?" As he said that Izuku came charging down the stairs and I panicked and pushed Kirishima into him knocking them both over.
"Sorry Kirishima" I shouted back as I ran away only to be caught in Iida's sight line.
"JIRO YOU SHOULDN'T RUN IN THE DORMS SOMEONE COULD GET HU-" I just ran straight past him, I ain't dealing with him right now. I exited the dorm and ran straight to the field only to be tackled to the ground.
"You better be" He just stood up and started walking back to the dorms.
"Come on, you could at least help me up"
"Think of it as payback". Ugh, I didn't know he could get like this. It's kinda hot.

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