CH-31 Nature's Spark

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Midoriya's POV
I woke up early in the morning so that I could get some early morning training in, with the school festival I hadn't been able to train as much as I would normally so I decided to get back into it with my usual morning run. It was 6am when I woke up and seeing as it was Saturday I knew that Kyo wouldn't be up for another few hours so decided to make it a long run. I ran around the UA campus a few times lasting for around 2 hours, as I got back to the dorms I walked up the stairs and into the building. A few people were already downstairs, those being Iida, Yaoyorozu, Shinso and Uraraka. As I entered Uraraka came up to me.
"Hey Deku, here's a bottle of water" She said whilst giving me some water.
"Uh, thanks" I replied as I grabbed the bottle and took a drink. She kept staring at me whilst smiling making me slightly uncomfortable. Why is she staring at me like that? Is there something wrong? I just walked past her but she kept following me, I headed upstairs to my room so that I could get changed and Uraraka was still following me. "Okay, if there is something you want to ask can you ask instead of following me around please" I said in a slightly harsh tone, I didn't want to sound harsh but her constantly following me was getting annoying.
"Uh, well it's just. Do you wanna hang out today? We could head out to the mall or just go for a walk" She suggested with a smile.
"Sorry but I've got a lot of training I want to do today, I need to catch up with all that I missed whilst preparing for the festival" I said whilst scratching the back of my head.
"Come on, just take a break from training please. For me" She desperately asked with puppy dog eyes.
"I can't. I made plans to train with Kacchan and he wouldn't like to reschedule" I explained as I opened the door to my room.
"Oh, well it's just that I planned a surprise for you. I didn't want to tell you but if you don't come along it'll be pointless" She pleaded.
"Again, I'm sorry but I can't. Now please leave I need to take a shower" I said whilst trying to shut my door, she held it open as she continued to pester me.
"You know, if you need to take a shower that badly whilst we're talking I could join you" Uraraka licked her lips at her comment to which I was about to make a rebuttal but Kyoka beat me to it.
"What is your problem Uraraka? Just leave him alone, besides he's my boyfriend not yours" Kyoka angrily stated. I just nodded at her statement which made Uraraka angry.
"WHY DON'T YOU BACK OFF BITCH?!" Uraraka screamed causing me to lose my temper, I just slammed the door shut even though she was still in the door way and I heard a slight cry of pain come from the other side of the door.
"Just ignore her. I don't know what has gotten into her lately. I'm gonna take a shower" I said whilst heading into the bathroom.

As I came out I was only in a pair of boxers expecting that Kyoka would have gone downstairs already, instead she was sitting on my bed waiting for me. She looked over at me as I came out of the bathroom and a blush appeared on her face, I quickly put on some clothes which I was going to go train in later on and sat down next to her.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just don't get why Uraraka is trying to steal you from me" She said in a sad tone.
"I dunno, maybe she is just jealous and wants her own relationship" I thought.
"Probably, but why does she have to go after you? There are plenty of boys in our class, one of them probably likes her"
"Well, at least one person does to my knowledge" I said, I quickly covered my mouth as I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.
"Really, who? If we get them to confess she may leave us alone"
"Well, it won't be that easy with who it is"
"So, who?"

Kaminari's POV
I woke up at 9am, pretty early for me on weekends. I had a shower, got changed and headed downstairs to find Kiribro. As I got down I saw Kiribro with Mina as always, I was about to go talk to them but Mr Aizawa came into the dorms.
"Attention, firstly is Midoriya here?" He asked.
"No, he's gone to train with Bakugo" Jiro said.
"Okay, well I'll explain everything to you all later but you need to be out of the dorms for the next couple of hours" He explained.
"Huh, why?" I asked.
"I said I'll explain later. You go do whatever, you all have permission to leave campus if you want so off you go" He said whilst turning around leaving all of us confused.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!" I screamed at a realisation.
"Yo Denks you okay?" Kiribro asked.
"I didn't get breakfast" I complained.
"Really? That's it? Okay, lets go out, me and you. We can get something to eat, I didn't get to eat either" Kiribro suggested.
"Alright dude lets go. You can get away from your girlfriend for a little bit too" I chuckled as he had been essentially attached to her for the past few weeks.
"Yeah, yeah lets just go"

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