CH-37 The Third Semester

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Midoriya's POV
Two weeks had passed since Mirko told me to train hard and master my new quirks, I had returned to my work study with her a few times spanning over a total of 9 days with her. She hadn't revealed anything about what was coming but she seemed very different since warning me about something coming, she was training me even harder than before pushing me past my limits whenever I started to get comfortable with my new limits. I could now use 40% of One for All consistently and could push myself to 45%, I could produce about a dozen blackwhip tendrils with ease and freely manipulate every single one of them independently. I was able to continuously produce a smokescreen around myself to hide myself without obscuring the vision of those around me whether they be my allies or enemies. Danger sense became less painful and I was able to focus with it more increasing my range and being able to tell roughly what kind of danger I was sensing.

The third semester of our hero academia had just begun, there were only three months left of our first year and after that we would become second years. We arrived into our class and were just chatting amongst ourselves as we waited for Mr Aizawa to come and tell us what we were doing today. I was talking with Todoroki as he told me about some things which happened during his and Kacchan's work study with Endeavour. Apparently some villain who Endeavour had stopped several years ago was released and captured his brother Natsuo, he and Kacchan were able to rescue him beating Endeavour for the first time by defeating a villain before him. Iida and Yaoyorozu then came into the classroom but Mr Aizawa wasn't with them, Iida went to the front of the class and made an announcement.
"Alright, listen up. Mr Aizawa will be here shortly but has informed me of todays lesson. We will be showing each other what we have learnt in our work studies by facing some villain robots. So grab your hero costume and head to Ground Alpha to begin" Iida announced.

We all grabbed our cases containing our costumes and excited the classroom. As we left the room Mr Aizawa opened the door to enter.
"You shouldn't be tal-" Mr Aizawa complained as he entered but was interrupted by a certain energetic pinkette.
"Happy new year Mr Aizawa" Mina happily cheered as she left the classroom.
"I have informed everyone of what you told me earlier" Iida informed him as more of us left.
"Woah Iida, you seem a lot more relaxed than before" Kaminari pointed out.
"Yes, Manual really taught me to let loose" Iida said as she wiggled around on the spot.
"He's like a bicycle who's chain has come loose" Sero chuckled.
"Isn't he more like a motorcycle though? He does have engines" Kaminari reasoned. We all started heading towards the changing rooms when an announcement came over the intercom.
"Could Mr Aizawa please report to the faculty lounge immediately" Nezu announced. Huh, I wonder what that's about.

After getting changed into our hero costumes we arrived at Ground Alpha, All Might was waiting for us on the way.
"SYMBOL OF... SWEETS!!!" All Might announced but we all just walked past him and continued to talk about some things which happened during our work studies. "Oh come on, I worked all day on that" All Might complained whilst spitting out some blood.
"Uhh, where's Mr Aizawa?" Kirishima asked.
"Ugh... He got called away for some urgent business so I'll be taking charge of class today" He explained. We all went to Ground Alpha and All Might explained exactly what we would be doing. We will go against villain robots from the entrance exam separated into groups by who we did work studies with, so Bakugo and Todoroki will work together as they were both with Endeavour and I'll be on my own. During this exercise we are supposed to show everyone what we had learnt from our work studies. This included new ultimate moves, fighting styles and techniques. From the order All Might gave us I was to go last, I watched everyone's progress and was amazed by all of their new skills. Kaminari, Sero and Shinso had great teamwork, they used Sero's tape and Shinso's binding cloth to restrain all of the robots whilst Kaminari used this opportunity to electrocute all of them. Aoyama was able to focus his laser to create a sword, Hagakure bended Aoyama's light to attack all of the robots and Mina used a new ultimate move called Acid Man where she covers herself in acid for increased defence and attack capabilities. Kacchan and Todoroki were able to focus their power for more powerful and precise attacks, everyone had some sort of new ability like these to show off. Then it was my turn.

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