CH-32 Eri's New Home

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Bakugo's POV
I just got back from training with the nerd and he tried to convince me to talk to her. Dammit, why am I listening to that damn nerd? I'm doing this because I want to not because he told me to. He had to push my buttons though, he had to say exactly what would make me actually do this. Here we go.
"Oi Pink Cheeks, I need to talk to you. My room five minutes" I grunted whilst walking past her going to my room.
"O-Okay?" She replied.

Once I got to my room I shut the door and sat on my bed with my head in my hands. I was never this nervous about anything before, although I had never done anything like this before. I heard a knock on my door so I stood up and opened it to see Pink Cheeks, I let her into my room and closed the door behind her.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked whilst tilting her head.
"Uhhh, well. I'm not good at this shit so I'm just gonna say it straight up. Wanna go out on a date?" I asked bluntly causing her to stare at me in shock.
"Y-You wanna go on a date with me?" She asked to confirm what she heard.
"Yeah, I like you. You wanna say no then just say it" I grunted not liking that I was showing emotion.
"You see... I like Deku..."
"That nerd loves ears, if you wanna say no to me then go ahead but you need to get over him. As hard as it may be to hear, he doesn't love you" I told her causing her to look down with sadness.
"I know... Maybe I should just move on..." I just stared at her waiting for her to answer. Normally I would just shout at her and tell her to leave but I genuinely liked her so waited patiently. "How about we give it a shot?"
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"Me and you. Lets try it, see if it works out"
"Alright, so... Lets go out tomorrow then" I suggested.
"Sure" She said with a smile. We left my room and decided not to tell anyone about us trying it out but I knew that Deku would ask but didn't tell her that he knew about me asking her. Once I got downstairs I sat by the TV on my own and waited for Deku.

After a few hours I heard Deku and ears come downstairs, Deku came straight over to me as I expected.
"So, how did it go with Uraraka?" He asked.
"Fairly well, I think" I told him.
"What do you mean?"
"She decided to give it a shot and we're going on a date tomorrow" I explained.
"Nice, I didn't actually think you'd ask" He admitted.
"Tch, whatever"
"Woah, I was expecting you to shout at me. Where's Kacchan?" He asked pissing me off even more than he normally does.
"I need to learn to not shout for when that girl comes over" I said through my teeth.
"Well, it's nice to see you changing" He said whilst patting my back.
"Don't push it" I growled quietly causing Deku to gulp and back away slowly.
"Well... I'm gonna go to bed, I have a lot to do tomorrow" He said whilst heading upstairs quickly. I got up and went to bed to and waited for tomorrow.

Jiro's POV
After we got Izuku's new dorm set up we went downstairs, Izuku went over to talk to Kacchan whilst I went over to the girls.
"Hey girls, what's up?" I asked as I walked up to them.
"Hey girl, we're just hanging out. What's happening with Midori moving?" Mina asked.
"Midori?" I questioned.
"Come on, you aren't the only one allowed to give him a nickname"
"Okay, well Eri is moving here and she wants to be close to Izu. So Mr Aizawa is having them share a dorm but it's much bigger than our dorms" I explained.
"So why did you move some of your stuff down into there?" Yaomomo asked.
"Ooooh, it's like you've got your own little family. When's the wedding?" Toru teased.
"Haha, very funny. No I've brought some of my stuff down so I don't have to walk to my room when I want something from my room"
"So you're moving into his dorm, Ribbit" Tsu assumed.
"No, but I'm going to stay there whenever I want. So I can spend time with my boyfriend" I told them.
"Ooooh, you two do it yet?" Mina questioned.
"No" I said whilst looking her in the eyes.
"Come on, you gotta give us something juicy" Mina begged.
"When we do it, I'll tell you then. Deal?" I proposed.
"Deal" Mina said. I looked behind me and noticed Izuku heading upstairs so I decided to follow him up after saying bye to the girls.

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