Chapter 13: Return to Enchanted Forest

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Asmund groaned as he came to, finding his wrists and feet tied to a chair, and looked around to see that he was in Mary's loft with Mary and Emma standing in front of him. Mary looked nervous about the situation as Emma had her arms crossed while she stared at Asmund, who chuckled darkly and flashed a wicked grin.

"So the Savior has finally caught the big bad Grand Mage." he taunted and Emma slanted his eyes at him as he looked down and saw a ring of dust around his chair and he knew at once what it was, "And it looks like Rumpelstiltskin has aided you in your endeavors."

"Where is David?" Mary questioned and Asmund looked over at her, "Henry said that David was there at Regina's house with him and now he's missing."

"Oh poor dear Snow White..." Asmund said in mock sympathy, "Gone a few days without her beloved Charming and already out of your mind."

"I swear if Regina is hurting him..." Mary snarled angrily as she moved towards Asmund when Emma held her back.

"Oh Regina hasn't touched a hair on his head, Snow." Asmund said, "I promised Henry that she wouldn't touch his grandfather and I made sure to keep that promise...even now as you have me here, she shall not harm him."

"How can you be sure about that?" Emma questioned and Asmund rolled his eyes towards her.

"Because I cast a spell over him allowing no one to cause him ill intent" he said as if that was obvious, "I'm not stupid, Emma...I made a promise to Henry and that boy helped me realize my potential so I shall keep my promise to him."

"If you really want to keep your promise to Henry, then release David." Mary begged.

"I never said that I'd release him...I just said that Regina won't harm him." Asmund clarified, "So he shall stay where he is at, and maybe if you give up your crusade to go against Regina then he shall be free."

"Regina is an evil ruler who won't let us be free." Mary said.

"And you're just a spoiled princess who destroyed the love of her life." Asmund shot back and Mary looked hurt by his comment, "Did you really think that she would just forgive you after destroying her chance at happiness?"

"I was a child!" Mary exclaimed and Asmund chuckled with a smirk on his face, "I had no idea of the consequences."

"You're telling me that a royal child was never taught of the consequences of doing something wrong?" Asmund questioned with a title of his head, "I find that hard to believe, Your Highness."

"Enough, this is getting us nowhere." Emma interrupted and Mary turned away in worry as Emma walked up to Asmund, " and I are best friends and I am begging you to tell us where Charming is and help stop Regina."

Asmund scoffed and turned his head away from the ladies as he didn't answer and Emma looked at Mary with a shake of her head before taking out her phone and sending a text to Mr. Gold to tell him that they had Asmund and needed his help.

"You know what is funny?" Asmund remarked as he chuckled and both ladies looked at him confused, "Is that you don't seem to get that destiny isn't always set in's..."

"A fickle thing." Mary said as she looked at Asmund who turned toward her with a slight look of confusion and recognition of her words.

"Yes..." he said slowly as he raised an eyebrow slightly before sighing, "As I was saying; it was the destiny of Snow White to wake up Prince Charming or vice versa?"

"Yeah...that's how the story has been." Emma replied nodding and Asmund smirked.

"Then how is it that her kiss didn't work and yet mine did?" he asked and Mary looked down as she had no idea what her kiss didn't work, "Also isn't there something you need to tell Emma? Something about 28 years ago before sending your daughter to this world?"

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