Chapter 16: Truth Revealed

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Asmund, hold on okay? David's begged as Asmund faded in and out of consciousness as he saw the prince looking at him fearfully before looking at Mulan who appeared in view, We need to get him into the portal.

It is risky to move him, my liege. Mulan warned the prince and Asmund saw David shaking his head as tears fell down his cheeks.

If we get him to the other world then our friends can help him. David told her and she sighed as Asmund closed his eyes wanting to just sleep.

In agony, Asmund felt himself being picked up, felt the sword still in his gut, and blood oozing from his wounds as Mulan and David carried him to the portal back to Storybrooke and instantly found themselves back in Storybrooke.

"Charming!" Aurora cried out as she saw them appear, "Oh my god, Asmund."

She rushed up to them as Asmund slipped from David's hold and crumpled to the ground, gasping for breath as he felt himself slipping away, and David bent down immediately, holding the mage's face in his hands.

"Asmund, come on...don't do this to me." David begged as he patted Asmund's cheek, trying to wake the man up but got no response and he looked up and around the town expecting to see someone around, "Somebody help us!"

He looked around in fear of losing the man he loved until he saw Emma appearing from the diner, looking at her father in shock as Mary and Regina came by her side.

"Dad?" Emma questioned stunned as she started rushing up to him and then saw Asmund laying on the ground bleeding out when she came closer and her eyes widened in horror as she saw her best friend dying on the ground, "Oh no...Asmund."

"We need to get him to the hospital stat." Mary told everyone and Mulan looked at Regina on edge, moving towards Aurora to protect her from the Evil Queen, "Regina, can you get us there?"

"Yes, I can." Regina said as she took in a deep breath trying to be strong as she watched Asmund slipping away at every passing moment and she flicked her wrist, casting a spell and teleporting them all to the hospital where they found Dr. Whale treating a patient, "Dr. Whale, we need help here."

"Nurses with me." Dr. Whale ordered and several nurses came up to help him as they all helped Asmund onto a hospital bed and into the same room that David used to lay in, laying on his side as Dr. Whale examined him, "This wound is very extensive and seems to have injured him critically. It's a miracle that he hasn't died yet."

"Can you heal him?" David asked shakily and Dr. Whale grimaced as he didn't like his odds, "What do you need? Time?"

"Yeah...a lot of time." Dr. Whale answered frustrated as he knew that he may not be able to save Asmund with the amount of blood that he's losing and David looked around trying to think of a way to save the man he loved.

"David..." Asmund whispered weakly and David moved over to the mage's side and bent close to him so Asmund didn't have to speak louder, "The staff..."

Asmund fell unconscious and it took David a moment to realize he could use the staff's magic to try and help, and he went over to Mulan and obtained the staff from her. He came back over to Asmund's bed and was met with confusion by all around.

"Charming, what are you doing?" Regina questioned concerned.

"I'm giving us time." David told her as the staff expanded in his hands and glowed with multi-colored rune as David felt the magic radiating from it and into him.

As David smashed the staff onto the floor releasing a powerful yell, he caused a multicolored aura to envelope the room and everyone gasping in amazement at how the magic suddenly formed a shield around Asmund and stopped the bleeding in an instant. In shock, Dr. Whale rushed to Asmund's side and checked his vitals, only to be in awe as the physician felt Asmund's vital signs steady as if halted from worsening and he turned to the others with a smile on his face.

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