Chapter 5: Awaken

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Asmund sat in his room the next day and held the Ring of Merlin up in front of him, looking at it curiously as he wondered if the ring actually belonged to Merlin from the fairy tale when there was fast knocking on the door causing the man to look up at the door confused.

Asmund, it's Henry the boy's voice came from the other side of the doorway, Let me in.

Asmund got up and headed to the door, opening to see Henry standing there breathlessly as if he ran all the way to his room.

"Henry, what's going?" Asmund questioned and Henry grabbed his hand tightly as he began to drag Asmund out of the room, "Whoa buddy, where are we going?"

"We have to go wake up Prince Charming." Henry told him and Asmund sighed as he stopped, making the boy stop with him and knelt down in front of him.

"Henry, if you want Prince Charming to wake up then you need Mary Margret since she's Snow White." he told the boy who shook his head.

"No, it must be you." Henry argued, "Snow White can't wake him up now."

"But True Love kiss?" Asmund started to say confused.

"That won't work on him anymore..." Henry said shaking his head, "The story is different now."

"What story, Henry?" Asmund replied.

"Never mind that now, come on." Henry said urgently and Asmund left with the boy and entered the hospital and found it empty, "Come on, hurry."

"Henry, why are you in such a hurry?" Asmund asked the boy as they neared Charming's room.

"Hello, Asmund." Regina said behind them and Asmund turned to see that she wore a long black dress and a tiara on her head.

"Regina?" Asmund replied taken back by her new look, "Is it Halloween and I forgot about it?"

"Keep away from him." Henry ordered as he moved in front of Asmund and Regina looked down at the boy sadly.

"My sweet Henry..." she said stepping towards them, "You know not what you do if you wake up that man in there."

"We wake him up and your curse is done." Henry threatened and Asmund looked at them both confused.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"Get in there, Asmund!" Henry cried out in earnest and Asmund felt that the boy was truly wanting Asmund to do his best to wake up Prince Charming, "You'll know what to do."

Asmund went inside the room with Henry guarding him against Regina and he looked down at Prince Charming wondering how exactly he was supposed to wake him up.

"Enough of this, Henry." Regina snarled as she didn't know exactly why Henry believed that Asmund could wake up Charming but she knew that she couldn't have to wake up, "Move out of the way."

She grabbed Henry and moved him out of the way, moving towards the room when suddenly she heard footsteps coming from the doorway behind her and she turned to see Mr. Gold standing there with his cane.

"What are you doing here, Gold?" she asked on edge as the man stepped closer to her.

"Henry, come here." Mr. Gold said and Henry ran over behind him as Mr. Gold stood in front of him protectively and looked at Regina with a smug look, "I suggest that you don't bother Asmund, Evil Queen."

"Please...that man can do nothing to stop me." Regina scoffed in disgust and she turned back to Charming's room as Asmund moved closer to the sleeping man and leaned over him still trying to figure out what to do.

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