Chapter 11: Henry's Plea

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David and Emma rushed to Mary's loft, finding Henry in the kitchen with Mary, and Henry spun around on the bar stool as he heard his mother and grandfather coming into the loft.

"You're back!" he cried out happily, "Did you find Asmund?"

"Yeah, we did." David told the boy and Mary looked at them concerned to see that Emma and David didn't look happy.

"Where is he?" Henry asked, "Is he coming later?"

"Let's go talk upstairs, Henry." Emma answered softly as she reached for her son who backed away from her.

"No, what did you do?!" Henry shouted angrily, "Asmund is supposed to be here!"

"Henry..." Emma started to say when Henry ran out of the loft and Emma sighed in frustration.

"I got him." David assured her and he went after the boy as Mary came up to Emma.

"Come and get some tea, Emma." Mary said gently as she guided Emma to the counter island and she poured her daughter some fresh tea, "So I take it that things didn't go well with Asmund?"

"No...I caused this, Mary." Emma replied with a heavy sigh, "I used Asmund and now he feels like he was tossed away by the rest of us even though he helped break Regina's curse."

"Emma, there was no way that you could have known that Asmund would be hurt." Mary argued, "Did you at least find out where he's been?"

"He's been with Regina." Emma told her and Mary froze at the mention of Asmund spending time with Regina and Emma noticed her mother become very tensed, "What is it?"

"There is something you need to know about Asmund." Mary said coming over and sitting beside Emma and Emma looked at her confused, "Asmund isn't from this world."

"I kinda figured that when he used magic in front of me." Emma replied chuckling dryly and Mary's eyes widened in horror as she gasped in disbelieve, "Wait, are you telling me that you knew Asmund from before?"

"We only knew him a little bit...he helped us send you to this world by creating a barrier against Regina's curse and then defending your father from her army." Mary said and Emma looked at her surprised, "He was known as the Grand Mage in our world, a very powerful mage on par with Rumpelstiltskin and Regina."

"Well, that's good right?" Emma questioned as she was amazed at how powerful everyone considered Asmund and Mary looked at her hesitantly, "Mary, what aren't you telling me?"

"Before the time came that you were born, Asmund had met your father and I on another circumstance." Mary said and Emma tilted her head in confusion, "We met him when he was known as 'Asmund the Grand Mage: Powerful Mage loyal to Queen Regina."

"He was allied with Regina?!" Emma cried out in shock and horror as she shot out of her seat and gasped as she paced around the room.

"For years Asmund terrorized the people of the Enchanted Forest in bidding to the Evil Queen in her search for me." Mary explained, "I had only heard rumors and never saw him until I went to save your father from Regina's clutches. I made my way to the dungeon and found your father, only for Asmund to show up when I tried to free Charming. At first, I didn't know who he was until he took off his hood and saw that he was the same man around the castle that I had known when I was a child. He taunted me and eventually, guards came up to assist him but something...unexpected happened."

"What happened?" Emma questioned curious to know more.

"He raised his hand as if he was going to strike me down...I begged him not to and he looked at Charming who was unable to help, pausing for a second before snapping his fingers and turned his guards into stone before freeing your father." Mary told her and Emma gasped in shock, "When Charming asked why Asmund freed him, Asmund just tilted his head at us and said 'Destiny is a fickle's always changing in some way or another'. Before we could ask him what he meant by that, he used his magic to vanish us out of Regina's castle."

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