Chapter 3: The Curse

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A piercing woman's cry echoed throughout the castle's walls as Princess Snow White cried out in pain while beginning to deliver her baby girl in her chambers. 

 "She's coming, Your Highness..." one of Snow's handmaidens said as she was helping deliver the baby, "Just take a deep breath." 

 "The Evil Queen's curse is coming." Snow said scared as she looked out the window of her bedroom and saw a looming dark cloud heading through the Enchanted Forest and towards the castle, "Where is Prince Charming?"

 "He's not here, Your Highness." the handmaiden said with a shake of her head, "I believe he went to find someone."

 "Who the hell is he trying to find at this time?" Snow questioned confused and angry as she contracted again and cried out in pain when suddenly the doors opened and a man with short dirty blonde and blue wearing a button-up white shirt and brown leather pants came rushing in and Snow sighed in relief and happiness, "Charming." 

 "Snow, are you okay?" Prince Charming asked rushing to her side and holding her hand.

 "I'm fine, where were you?" Snow questioned, "Luna said that you were looking for someone?" 

 "Yes, and I found them." Prince Charming told her excitedly, "They can give us some time." 

Snow looked at Prince Charming confused when she heard footsteps and a figure in a dark cloak with a hood covering the person's features came strolling into the room with a staff in its left hand. Snow's eyes went wide as she recognized who the figure was at once and she tensed up on guard.

"Charming, what the hell were you thinking?" she seethed in anger, "This person will not help us against the Evil Queen." 

 "So quick to judge are you, Princess?" a male voice asked from the shadows of the cloak, "Fear not, I am not here for your child. In fact I am here to protect the child from any harm from the Evil Queen." 

 "What do you want in return, Grand Mage?" Snow asked him on edge and the figure turned his head slightly her way.

"Is that what you truly think of me, Princess Snow?" he chuckled and Snow slanted her eyes, "Don't worry, Princess...I require nothing from you. The Evil Queen has to be stopped and although I can't stop her curse...I can buy you all time to get your child to the other world." 

 "How do you know about my child going to the other world?" Snow White asked and the figure looked to the window at the forming dark clouds still heading towards them.

"Just deliver your child safely and I shall handle the rest." the Grand Mage said as he struck his staff onto the ground, causing a massive surge of magic to emit from his staff and create a massive barrier around the castle, "You have at least 15 minutes, however...this barrier is only for the curse and not for whoever comes through." 

The Grand Mage turned to both royalty and started walking towards the bedroom door when he stopped and tilted his head towards them.

"For what it's worth...I'm sorry for all the pain caused to this land because of the Evil Queen." he said sincerely, "I shall keep intruders back for as long as I can." 

 "Grand Mage..." Prince Charming said getting up and moving towards the figure as the Grand Mage stopped once more, "Thank you...I know that we have had our...differences but I turned to you for help and you provided it." 

The Grand Mage looked at them in silence for a moment before nodding and leaving the room as Charming moved over to Snow's side and held her hand tightly.

"Charming, can we trust him?" Snow groaned as her child started pushing against her cervix again.

"We can trust him." Prince Charming told her, "Now let's bring our baby girl into the world, alright?" 

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