Chapter 2: New Town

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Asmund heard a bell chiming loudly and he started waking up to find himself in Storybrooke and he groaned as he sat up in bed, holding a hand up to his head as he had a splitting headache. He got out of bed, grabbed some Advil out of his bag, and took some pills to calm his headache before taking a shower and getting dressed in jeans and a red button up shirt while styling his hair in an Ivy League haircut. He stood in the mirror straightening his shirt as he took in a deep breath and exited the room, heading downstairs where he found the Inn's owner, Widow Lucas also known as Granny in the town, reading over her logbooks.

"Oh Mr. Henderson." she said smiling at the man as he came down the stairs, "I hope your night was a pleasant one." 

 "I slept great, thank you for asking." Asmund replied as he heard the doorbell chime behind him and Granny's eyes went wide in fear.

Asmund looked at her confused for a moment before turning around and seeing an older man with shoulder-length brown hair and brown eyes standing there in an expensive suit and Asmund had a weird vibe coming off the man that told him to be wary of him.

"Mr. Gold..." Granny said nervously as she dug into a box and bringing out a coin purse, "Here is the rent." 

 "I appreciate it, Granny." Mr. Gold said as she handed the purse to him and he looked at Asmund curiously, "You're new here aren't you? I am Mr. Gold, I own the town." 

 "Asmund Henderson." Asmund replied slowly as he looked at the man up and down, "Town owner huh?"

 "I also own a pawn shop in town." Mr. Gold said smiling wickedly, "Quaint little shop if you ever want to stop by."

"I'll think about it." Asmund replied and Mr. Gold nodded before leaving the inn, "Granny, how much did he take for rent?" 

 "Few hundred...luckily not thousands since this is a small town and we don't get much visitors." Granny told him and Asmund turned to her curiously, "Heck, we don't even leave this place...who knows why though." 

 "No visitors and yet you all circulate money to keep this place going?" he questioned tilting his head, "It's odd isn't it?" 

 "Hmm..never really thought about it." Granny said realizing that Asmund had a point and Asmund nodded slowly as he dug into his pocket and took out a few hundred dollars.

"This should keep your business afloat for a while." he told her as he handed her the stack of bills.

"Mr. Henderson, I can't accept this." Granny said shocked and he smiled at her.

"Please, think of it as an advancement if I stay longer than I plan to." Asmund said, "If you need any more help, let me know." 

Granny bowed to him thankfully as he left the inn and headed down the streets, looking around to see the townsfolk walking around and chatting with themselves.

"Mr. Henderson." Regina said coming up to him and Asmund turned to her and politely smiled at her.

"Madam Mayor." he replied bowing slightly.

"No need to bow, Mr. Henderson." she laughed holding up a hand, "I'm just a mayor, not royalty and you can call me Regina." 

 "Please call me Asmund." Asmund said, "This is a lovely town that you run." 

 "Thank you." Regina replied, "How would you like to come over for lunch sometime and I can tell you more about Storybrooke?" 

 "Well, I would be honored to attend, Regina." Asmund told her, "Perhaps tomorrow?" 

Regina nodded and left as Asmund continued to walk down the streets for few hours before going into the hospital to take a tour of it.

"Mr. Henderson." Mary said surprised and he looked to his left to see the woman putting flowers in vases by patients, "Are you feeling ill?" 

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