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⚠️mention of death, swear words⚠️

5 years later...

George woke up that morning before his lover. George stood up from the bed, he grabbed a note from a box he opened long ago. There were three notes, he grabbed the third note. He opened the note and read it...


Dear George,

This is my last note. George I can't even believe how much you've grown. If your father saw you right now and what you've accomplished, boy he would be proud. I am so proud of you of who you've become. Only if I were there to experience the rest of it, but its my time to go. But I will be with your father, we love you so much. George my little pumpkin, you are the most beautiful, amazing, son I could ever imagine. I could never imagine having another kid of any kind, you were the best son I could ask for. You've been through so much these past years, and you've put through it. Me and your father and everyone else is so proud of you, you are loved. Whoever you end up with I hope they experience how amazing and bright you are, like how I see you. I hope they love you and protect you wherever you go, I hope they stick with you to the end. I don't care if it's Clay, I just want you to be happy. Even if I have only met Clay for a bit, he's the one he's your everything. You look at him like how I looked at your father when I fell in love with him. I love you so much George, be proud of who you are. I will see you soon up high, my wonderful, most gorgeous son.

Love, Mom

George's eyes started to be glassy, he missed her. She had been dead for almost 7 years, if she was still alive she would've turned 46 in a few weeks. She was right about everything, Clay was the one. A tear flew down George's face, he dropped the note on the desk and wiped his eyes.

George hadn't gotten startled by arms wrapping around him from behind. The persons head landed on George's shoulder.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?" George asked.

"No, just can't sleep without you next to me" Clay said kissed George's neck as his hands moved under George's shirt touching his skin.

"Oh is that so?"

"Shut up, you know that I can't sleep without you next to me" Clay murmured as he continued to kiss George's neck.

"True, as much I love you kissing my neck I have to go somewhere" George said.

"And where would that be?" Clay asked as he moved away from George's neck, and moved his arms tighter around George.

"To visit someone" George said as he looked at the note.

"Okay well I have to get ready for work, so I will see you later" Clay said.

"What time do you get home?" George asked.

"5, I'll be home right in time for dinner."

"Okay, bye" George kissed Clay on the lips and stood by the door "Love you."

"Love you too" Clay said and George left the room heading out the door.

25 minutes later...

"Hi Mom."

George sat down on the grass and right in front of him was his mother's gravestone...

"Um wherever you are I hope you can hear me" George wiped the tears that landed on his cheeks.

"I read your note, you were right about everything Clay is the one" George said.

"We got married, the wedding was a month ago" George looked at the ring on his finger "June 28th, Dads birthday is when we got married."

"Clay and I eventually got our own place" George said "Sapnap actually found somebody too."

"His name Kai, they've been dating for 5 years hopefully Sapnap will pull out that ring soon" George chuckled as he picked little pieces of grass out of the ground, as water streamed down his face.

"God I miss you" George looked up at the gravestone "I'm sorry I didn't go to the funeral it would break me if I saw you like, you know."

"I hope your somewhere peaceful with Dad, I hope he's well" George sniffled "Its been hard without you guys."

"But I've been well, I have a wonderful husband to help me with everything" George said "I could never ask for more, I have the life I want."

"The life I dreamed of since I was little, the only thing that's missing is you two."

"I feel like it wasn't your guys time to go, I at least would've hoped if you guys got to meet your grandchildren" George sniffled again.

"Me and Clay are letting it play out for a bit, but I think he wants to adopt a kid at some point. He would be a great father" George smiled as he plucked the grass.

"But me, I don't really know what I want yet but that's okay I think."

"I'm only 24 years old, I still have another somewhat years to decide what I want" George said.

"I really miss you guys, you have no idea" George said as tear flew down his face "You guys would be so proud if you saw me now."

"I'm happy, really truly happy" George said "You should've seen Clay at the wedding."

"He look really handsome, as always" George chuckled "If you had more time with him, you would hang out with him constantly."

"It's just the little charm he has" George chuckled "I should get going."

George stood up off the grass and bent down and put his hand on the gravestone...

"I love you Mom and Dad" George said "I'll be back, I promise."

4 hours later...

George had finished dinner, soon enough Clay would be home from work. The door opened, Clay was home...

"Honey I'm home!" Clay shouted as he closed the door not knowing George was downstairs.

"Hi" George said as he walked towards his husband "How was work?"

"Good" Clay gave George a peck on the lips "How was your day?"

"It's was good, but it's better when your here."

Authors note: This is the end of 'From Afar' my next story will be a sequel to a different story!

I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

1050 words :)

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