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⚠️swear words, bow and arrow, mention of hickeys⚠️

It was nighttime George couldn't sleep so he got out of his bed and left his cabin. George had on a purple sweatshirt with jeans on. He walked onto the campsite trail to the archery targets. Weather felt nice and calming.

"Boo!" Someone said putting their hands on George's shoulders.

"Ahh" George yelled "What the hell are you doing out here Clay?" George asked softly.

"I couldn't sleep, what about you?"

"I also couldn't sleep" George said continuing to walk "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Well you still alive so your fine."

"You are so annoying" George rolled his eyes.

"So I'm guessing this is the place your popular at" Clay said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well since I'm popular at the school, this is like your school."

"I guess" George said "Do you like it here?"

"Yeah everyone's really nice but very competitive" Clay said.

"That is very true, we very competitive" George said walking up to the archery bows and arrows.

"You mostly" Clay said.

"Me what?" George asked.


"Yeah here I'm competitive, and at school I'm a regular nerd that people don't talk to" George said grabbing a bow and arrow.

"I talk to you" Clay said.

"Yeah you do" George looked deep into Clays eyes.

George snapped out of Clays eyes and started to walk across the target and Clay followed. George was far away from the target and Clay was beside him.

"You might wanna watch out" George said.

Clay moved to the side...

George put the arrow in the bow and pulled the string back and let go. The arrow went flying towards the target and landed in the exact middle.

"Who ever knew a nerd with so good at archery" Clay said.

"My first year here I actually sucked at everything" George said grabbing another arrow.

"And how long ago was that?" Clay asked.

"2 years ago" George said getting ready to shoot another arrow "This is my 3rd year."

George then let go of the string again and the arrow flew into the target close to the middle...

"Impressive" Clay said "Does the other counselors go to our school?"

"Obviously Sapnap does, but Niki and Minx go to our school" George said "But the others go to a different school that is nearby."

"I never knew Niki and Minx went to our school" Clay said.

"Yeah well back then you didn't even know I  existed so I can't blame you" George said grabbing another arrow.

"I did know you existed I just never talked to you."

"Yeah like that makes me feel better"George releasing another arrow. And he missed.

"I don't mean it like that-"

"I should get back to my cabin" George said.

"Wait George" Clay said.

"Goodnight Clay, see you tomorrow" George gave the bow to Clay and left.

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