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⚠️swear words⚠️

Clay was still at Logan's funeral probably coming home sooner or later, no one really knew. Tommy and George were still at Clays house since Tommy was enjoying Dristas company. George phone started to ring, George grabbed it then left the room. George took a glimpse of his phone it was Sapnap calling him, so he instantly answered. George put the phone.

"Hi Sapnap" George said then he started to hear heavy breathing and sniffing "Are you okay Sapnap?"

"George I need to tell you something" Sapnap said then he sniffled again "I'm sorry."

"Sapnap what do you wanna talk about?" George asked "What are you sorry for?"

"Remember how you had feelings for Clay" Sapnap said.

"Yeah I still do too, what about it?" George asked, not knowing what was going on.

"Oh god" Sapnap said then he spat out what he was building up the confidence to say "I told Clay."

"What did you tell Clay?"

"Sapnap I'm confused."

Sapnap took a breath "I told Clay you loved him."

George's heart dropped "Y-You did what?"

"I'm so sorry George" Sapnap said listening to George's silence "George say something."


"George please."

"I have to go" George said hanging up the phone. He could never face Clay again, he knew basically his biggest secret.

George walked back to the living room looking at the two teenagers "Tommy be back before 12."

"Where are you going Gogy?" Tommy asked.

"Away from Clay."

George opened the door, it was still pouring outside. George walked out of the house and slammed the door behind him. A familiar tall blonde he had known gotten out of his car.

"George what are you doing?" Clay asked watching George walk back home. "George it's cold and wet outside, get back inside."

George ignored and walked off Clays porch, walking on the sidewalk to his house. Clay was so confused he went inside his house to meet the two teenagers.

"Where's George going?" Clay asked as water dripped down his suit.

"He said away from you or some sort" Drista said "What did you do?"

"I don't know" Clay said "What was he doing before?"

"Well he got a call then after he started to leave."

"I'll be back" Clay said as he left the house.

Clay ran off his porch and ran after George. He didn't care about the rain he completely ignored it, all his focus was on George. George was a ways away but Clay still ran after him. Once Clay got close enough he stoped, two sidewalk squares were between them.

"George!" Clay yelled, and George clearly ignored him "Where are you going!"

Clay was confused why did George want to get away from him, what did he do?

"George what did I do wrong!" Clay yelled and George continued to walk home.

6 hours later...

Clay couldn't sleep, he kept thinking about George. George continued to be on his mind for those long 6 hours, the longest 6 hours of his life. Clay got out of bed and put on one of his dark green hoodies. It was damn near 3am but Clay needed to go for a walk or something to calm him down. Clay had black shorts on and a dark green hoodie, it was good enough to leave the house. Clay quickly grabbed his phone and went down the wooden dark brown stairs, and he left. It wasn't raining outside anymore, it was beautifully pitch black outside. Clay started to walk his way to George's house. On his way Clay looked around the beautiful street until it got ruined, by his thoughts of George. For the rest of the walk he thought of George, the thoughts stopped when he got the sight of George's house...

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