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⚠️swear words, bullying⚠️

7:55 PM (5 minutes till big game)

George and Sapnap were at one of seats waiting for the game to start. The teams were huddling to plan how to win. The Blue Orcas outfits were blue obviously and black. And George's high school team is the Green Serpents and there outfits were green and white...

"Who's team do you think is gonna win?" Sapnap asked.

"I wanna put faith in our school team but I think the Orcas will win this one" George said "But it will be a close one."

"I agree" Sapnap said.

8:00 PM (game starts)

The announcers quickly introduced both teams and the people in each team the the basketball game had started...

Since Clay was one of the best he had started with the basketball. Clays basketball number was '23' George actually thought Clay look kind of cute in his outfit, but for sure his outfit matched beautifully with his dirty blonde hair. George never understood basketball, he only knew you have to get the basketball in the hoop and that's all.

"Sapnap you know your gonna have to explain the game to me since I forgot" George said.

"That's okay" Sapnap said.

Clay started to pass the the ball to Logan, Logan had been running while dribbling the ball than passed to Clay. Clay had the ball again and shot the ball into the hoop and the first point went to the Green Serpents. People started to cheer and yell loudly in excitement.

"So what happened was Clay scored us a point" Sapnap said.

"I know that" George said looking at Sapnap.

Everyone got back into their positions and then one of the opposing team started off with the ball...

20 minutes later...

The Orcas called a time out so both teams huddled up and talked what they we're gonna do next. So far the Green Serpents were winning 25 to 20 and most their points was from Clay, apparently Clay was really good at basketball. The time for the teams to huddle up was over and they got back to their places...

The Orcas had started with the ball again and he started to pass the ball to a teammate. The person with the basketball had been stupid because Logan quickly snatched the ball from him. Clay had been waiting for Logan to pass the ball over but instead he runs beside Clay and pushes him out of the way, harshly.

Clay had fallen to the the ground and the game paused to see if he was okay. His whole team and the coach ran past Logan to see if Clay was okay because he hadn't gotten up from the floor...

"What the hell just happened?" Sapnap said.

From were George was it looked like he was in pain...

All Clays teammates and Coach surrounded him...

"Clay are you okay?" Coach asked but all Clay did was groan in pain "What the hell did you do Logan!" Coach yelled.

"I didn't even see him" Logan lied.

"Clay say something" A teammate said.

"I-I'm okay" Clay said.

"Are you sure?" Coach asked.

"Yeah I'm sure I can still play" Clay said.

"Okay boys help him up" Coach said backing up.

One of Clays teammates helped Clay up and Clay was back on his feet. Clay started to walk forward then he started to fall again but this time his teammates caught his fall. Two teammates put Clays arms on their shoulders and helped him walk to the locker room.

"I-I'm okay" Clay winced.

"Dude no you aren't" One of teammates said.

"Get him to a hospital" Coach said.

One of the announcers had announced the game was canceled...

"I hope he's okay" George murmured.

"What?" Sapnap asked.


"Most likely Logan is done playing for the season" Sapnap said.

"After what he just just did, for sure he's out for the season" George said "He might've did that purposely."

"Logan is dick so I'm not surprised" Sapnap said.

"We should get going" George stood up.

"Yeah" Sapnap said.

"See you tomorrow" George waved.

2 days later...

Clay was back at school now. Clay had broken his right leg so he would be in crutches. Logan had gotten expelled from the team and Clay couldn't play until he was better and off crutches. Clay opened the school door and everyone looked at him, but he ignored. He hopped on the crutches to his locker that was across from George's. He opened his locker, he could feel everyone staring. George was even looking.

"Hey man" Logan said to Clay.

"So your just gonna act like how you didn't break my leg, okay I don't think so buddy"

"It was an accident, either way the team will be helpless without me, so they will need me and I will be back on the team" Logan said.

"Bullshit!" Clay raised his voice and slammed his locker "I know you did that on purpose."

"You deserved it don't act like you haven't been looking at the weird nerd" Logan whispered in Clays ear.

"So what if I was?" Clay said "The way you have been treating him isn't okay, he did nothing to you."

"Look at you, caring for a hopeless nobody" Logan said.

"Nothing is even going on between us I don't even talk to him" Clay said "You know what fuck. you Logan."

"What did you just say to me?"

"You heard me fuck you" Clay said leaving and going to his class.

"We're not over yet Clay!" Logan yelled.

"Yes we are" Clay said looking back at Logan then turned back around.

George got tired of all this random drama, but what Logan did was a sick move...

Weren't they friends before?

7 hours later...

It was end of school. George was back at his house, having his reading glasses on and reading the Harry Potter series for like the seventh time. George set the book down and started to change his shirt. Then the doorbell rang.

"George you have a visitor!" George's mom said from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a second!" George yelled back.

"George Davidson!" His mother yelled again.

George held his shirt and book in hand and started to race down the stairs. George set his book down on the stairs and slipped in his shirt and walked towards his mother.

"Sorry you were saying?" George looked at his mother.

"You have a visitor" She said.

"Okay thank you, you should get some rest you need it" George said.

"Okay, I will leave you two alone" His mother left and George looked at who was at the door.

It was Clay?

1118 words :)

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