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⚠️swear words⚠️

George froze in place as he watched Clay leave past him. George was extremely red, what the hell just happened? he asked himself.

"Holy shit man!" Sapnap giggled as he put his hands on George's shoulders.

"What just happened?" George asked still frozen into place.

"Dude, Clay fucking Taken just kissed you!" Sapnap said "Also known as the most popular guys at our school."

"Dude imagine how all those girls that have a major crush on him feel right now."

"That really just happened" George said.

"Yeah, burn that into your brain you simp" Sapnap flicked George's head which made him flinch a bit.

"That really just happened" George smirked and chuckled.

6 hours later...

School ended three hours ago. George hadn't talked to Clay or seen him, since the kiss. George sat in the big beanbag chair nearby the book case and read one of his favorite books 'The Hobbit, or there and back again'. George already changed out of his school clothes, into some comfortable. What George thinks of comfortable is warm slightly baggy sweatpants, with one one his navy blue long sleeve shirts on.

George's reading got interrupted by someone knocking on the door "Hey Tommy can you get that?"

"Sure Gogy!" Tommy rushed downstairs.

"Don't call me that" George shook his head as he stared back to his book.

Tommy opened the door "George your boyfriend is here!"

George looked at Tommy in confusion, he stood up and walked towards Tommy "I don't have a- oh hi."

It's Clay of course it was, Tommy started to burst out laughing...

"Oh my god, shut up" George said hit Tommy lightly with his book and moves closer towards the door.

"I'll leave you two lovebirds alone" Tommy sang slightly as he headed upstairs.

"Oh my lord" George chuckled "Come in."

George walked away from the door and Clay walked inside and closed the door behind him...

"So are we ever gonna talk about what happened today?" George asked as he turned around looking at Clay.

"No not really, I said what I needed to say" Clay said as he put his hands on the couch "And I meant it."

George turned around and sat his glasses on top of his book on the counter then turned back around "Is that-"

Before George could finish his sentence, Clay somehow ended up having his hands on George's hips and lightly slammed him against the counter. Clay pushed his lips towards George's, he definitely had some motivation going on. George then pulled away to take a breath, Clay took George's breath away.

"I've been waiting to do that for the past six hours" Clay chuckled as looked into George's eyes.

"I can tell" George chuckled.

"Can I ask you a question?" Clay asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you to prom by any chance in a few weeks?" Clay asked.

"I completely forgot, but probably not" George said "You know I don't like big events like that."

"Well would you consider it if I asked you to go with me?"

"Maybe I don't know, you haven't asked me yet."

"Well George will you go to prom with me?" Clay asked.

"Hmm let me think about it" George said "Yes."

"Yes?" Clay chuckled.

"Yes" George nodded before he pulled Clay into a quick kiss.

"Stop making out by my counter, get a room" Tommy said motioning for them to move "Shoo, shoo, shoo away."

George and Clay started to chuckle as they moved away from 'Tommy's counter'.

"Also thank you Clay for proving that I'm right" Tommy said as he grabbed a coke from the fridge "It was a honor."

"For once you were right, one time" Clay said.

"Don't get your hopes up Tommy" George said as he slid the book back into the bookcase.

"Oh fuck off I get he's your boyfriend but quit defending the American bitch" Tommy said.

"Whatever you two have fun, I'm going to my room" George said putting on his glasses and he started to go upstairs.

"And I will follow you" Clay followed George up the stairs.

"Ooooo sex with Gogy, keep the door open kids!" Tommy said.

"Shut up Tommy!" The couple yelled.

Clay and George arrived into George's room and Clay closed the door behind him. Clay then crawled onto George's bed and George laid down on Clays lap. Clay put his right arm around George's stomach, and George started to fumble with Clays bracelets.

"I just realized what am I gonna wear to prom, I have nothing formal once so ever" George said.

"Kai will help you then, prom is a big deal for him" Clay said slightly moving his right arm.

As George watched Clays arm move he noticed some black words on his forearm that he never realized before. George sat up and leaned against Clay and grabbed Clays arm. George flipped his arm to the other side and saw the words clearly now.

"Is that a tattoo?" George asked.

"Yeah, something you never expected probably" Clay watched George analyze his tattoo.

"Yeah it was unexpected but I like it" George said "Actually I think I know this phrase."

What was tattooed on Clays arm was the same phrase that George found in the tunnel filled with graffiti, the same exact words.

'Be there. Be open. Be honest. Be kind. Be willing to listen, understand, accept, support, and forgive. This is what it means to love."

"You know the phrase?" Clay said shockingly.

"Yeah, a long time ago I went to a tunnel with Sapnap that was filled with graffiti" George said "One of them was this phrase."

"Oh yeah, if you told me you saw it I would've told you sooner."

"Tell me what?" George asked.

"The person who spray painted that phrase is my grandmother."

"What, really?" George asked.

"Yeah it's been there for years now" Clay said "She was quite talented."

"Oh, I'm sorry" George said.

"It's okay, she lived a good life" Clay smiled.

"How long have you had the tattoo?" George asked.

"About 2 years or so, I got it when I was 15 so yeah two years."

"That's cool, I like it" George smiled.

"You like it?" Clay smiled.

"Yeah" George smiled as he sat on Clays lap and he wrapped his arms around Clays neck.

"God I love you" Clay said.

"I love you too" George said.

"You actually like the tattoo though, you don't hate it?"

"Yes Clay I like the tattoo, it suits you" George said.

"Oh it does" Clay said as he roamed his hand through his hair to the other side.

"I'm a bad boy" Clay chuckled with George as he flipped George on his back so Clay was on top of him, then Clay kissed George but longer than the other times.

They we're seriously in love with each other...

1144 words :)

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